Eberhard Weber | zh

卡尔·马利亚·弗里德里希·欧尼斯特·冯·韦伯(Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber,1786年-1826年),德国作曲家。 韦伯从小接受良好的音乐熏陶,母亲是一名歌手,父亲是巡回剧团的经理,他随父亲在各地旅行的时候积累了丰富的生活经验并接触到繁多的民间音乐,这成为他后来所创作的民族主义题材歌剧的源泉。10岁时跟随海顿的弟弟米夏埃尔学习作曲,1798年去慕尼黑深造,之后定居维也纳。从1804年开始,先后在布雷斯劳、布拉格和德雷斯顿等地担任指挥。1824年为英国科文特花园剧院写作《奥伯龙》,两年后首演时作曲家亲往伦敦指挥,但经过长途的劳累他的身体情况恶化,于首演两个月后客死异乡。《自由射手》(《魔弹射手》)是他最成功的歌剧,另外还有1823年的《欧丽安特》,这部歌剧中没有口白,音乐持续不断,虽然脚本比较晦涩,但完全的复制出中世纪骑士社会的气氛。 韦伯十分钟爱钢琴的音色,因此写作了许多优美的钢琴曲,其中要数1819年献给其妻子的钢琴独奏曲《邀舞》最为出色。这支曲子描绘的是在舞会上,一位绅士彬彬有礼的邀请一位害羞的淑女共舞,小姐拒绝了,男子更加恳切的相邀,小姐红着脸将手递给男子,两人步入舞池,他们随着优美的圆舞曲翩翩起舞,一边亲切的交谈着,曲终人散时,男子向小姐致谢,带她走出舞池。 韦伯是莫扎特的连襟。他的堂姐妹康斯坦斯·韦伯后来成为了莫扎特的妻子。 .
Dex Romweber is nothing less than an icon of the American music underground. The former frontman for the world famous psycho-surf-rockabilly-garage-punk combo Flat Duo Jets released his first of nine albums in 1990 to rave reviews worldwide. He starred alongside R.E.M. and The B-52s in the 1987 cult classic film “Athens, GA Inside Out”. His first national tour in 1990 was as opening act for The Cramps. He was showcased on MTV's The Cutting Edge and 120 Minutes, starred in the Flat Duo Jets videos "Wild Wild Lover" and "Radioactive Man", made a stunning performance on Late Night with David...
Eberhard Weber (born 1940 in Stuttgart, Germany) is a jazz bassist. He began recording in the early 1960s, and released his first record under his own name in 1973. In addition to his career as a musician, he also worked for many years as a television and theater director. He has designed an electric-acoustic bass featuring an extra C-string. His music, often in a melancholic tone, follows simple ground patterns (frequently ostinatos), yet is highly organized in its coloring and attention to dramatic detail. Weber was a notable early proponent of the solid-body electric double bass, which he has played...
Swen Weber kicked off his DJ career 7 years ago with buying two turntables and a mixer. But he wanted more and therefore he started producing in 2001. He has published several productions and remixes until now and various DJs appreciate his free-spirited sounds. Doubtlessly, Swen is an all-round musician, because with his ideas in chillout, house or electronic music he pushes the envelope. Swen surprises his audience each time with groundbreaking tracks. Since 2006 the upcoming producer and DJ was discovered and since that time assisted by John Acquaviva. Currently, Swen is signed at the most famous German electro...