Bradley the Materials | zh

51歲才出道的靈魂歌手,炙熱唱腔道盡人生滋味 這是一張用盡氣力的唱片,發自靈魂的吶喊。 Charles Bradley成長在布魯克林街頭,14歲看了靈魂教父James Brown的演出,舞台上的能量與魅力使他著迷,他知道,舞台是他離開貧窮的唯一希望。 之後幾十年的人生卻過得顛沛流離。 先是在紐約擔任精神病院主廚,一天得要準備三萬份餐點,九年後他決定離開一層不變的生活去追尋夢想,踏上一場有如小說“在路上”的公路旅行,從紐約往西岸搭便車到了洛杉磯,穿越加拿大,停留在阿拉斯加一陣子後又回到洛杉磯,這一定腳就是20個年頭。 在洛杉磯的日子,Charles早上一邊繼續在廚房工作,晚上則開著小卡車在各個酒吧零星表演,並參與一些錄音工作,人生看似有了進展。就當他剛簽下房子的頭期款後,任職17年的公司又將他掃地出門,這一次的打擊讓他重新思考自己的人生,於是他又再次打包,回到了布魯克林。 等到被Daptone Records發崛,他已經51歲了,在俱樂部中專門模仿James Brown,那咆哮著人生的嘶吼破嗓,終於有人懂得欣賞。與當地樂團Bullets的主腦Thomas Brenneck組了Menahan Street Band,發了第一張專輯「No Time For Dreaming」。 Charles有著太多的故事、太多的痛苦和憤怒,透過充滿重量的靈魂樂,把對生活不安定的恐懼,使盡全身的力氣吶喊出來,The World (Is Going Up In Flames)中不斷重複唱著”They can’t hear me cry”;Heartaches and Pain則是說著發現摯愛的哥哥被謀殺後的心情;探討美國夢破碎的Why Is It So。 站在舞台上發光發熱,Charles知道他已經沒有時間做夢,他必須在舞台上嘔出他的生命,聽見他炙熱的嗓音, 彷彿岩漿一般猛烈流出的,並不是眼淚,而是靈魂的重量。 .
There are two artists with the name Bob Bradley whose releases are mixed on this lastfm page 1, Bob Bradley, United Kingdom based film/tv composer 2, Bob Bradley, United States based singer/songwriter (see below) Born in Mansfield, Ohio, May 31, 1959 at 6:36 am. Gemini poster boy grew up in Sanford, North Carolina and in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. Weened at Beecher Hills Baptist Church Kindergarten and educated at Cascade Road Elementary School in Atlanta, GA, and Marietta Jr. and Sr. High School in Marietta, Georgia. As a singer-songwriter, has written, performed and co-produced four independent albums of songs (SECULAR...
Under the alias Bradley Strider in 1991 Richard D. James (Aphex Twin) did the first release on Rephlex Records with "Bradley's Beat" (CAT001 EP) .
There are several artists using this name: 1) Materialschlacht is a Noise-/Break-/Speedcore producer from Eschweiler, Germany, also known as Thomas Weber. 2) Materialschlacht is an alias for Peter Savelkoul, who usually releases under the name a challenge of honour. 3) Materialschlacht is a RAC band from Germany. 4) Materialschlacht is an early punk Band from Germany (ca. 1980). .