Trees | zh

Trees of Eternity came into being when Juha Raivio (Swallow the Sun) and Sweden based singer Aleah got together in the latter part of 2008 to work on a song for the upcoming STS album. The plan was to to feature Aleah’s vocals on part of a song already prepared by Juha, but when they instead began to experiment with a vocal line Aleah had written for the occasion the session quickly headed off in a new direction and the project took on a life on its own. Since then several more songs have been written and roughly produced, but...
美国新晋另类摇滚组合Neon Trees来自犹他州的普若佛市。最初由主唱兼键盘手Tyler Glenn和他的邻居吉他手Chris Allen组成,之后又加入了贝斯手Branden Campbell和鼓手Elaine Bradley。    组合显示在本地获得成功,到了2008年底他们被选中为The Killers的北美巡演进行开场。不久之后组合就在2009年初被Mercury唱片公司签约。而组合也被犹他州盐湖城的《城市周报》评选为2009年的年度最佳乐队。    组合之前独立发行过一些专辑,而组合的正式处子专辑《Habits》于2010年3月16日通过Mercury和嘻哈厂牌Def Jam唱片发行,凭借主打歌“Animal”,组合的人气可以说是日渐高涨。 .
There are two bands with the name Screaming Trees: 1. Screaming Trees were a grunge band formed in Ellensburg, Washington in 1985. Their sound was a mix of 60's psychedelia and punk rock, and even though they were critically acclaimed by many (and rather succesful in the 1990s_ they never achieved the superstardom of their 'grunge' peers. Following the Dust Tour, Screaming Trees took another hiatus and after a June 25th 2000 concert to celebrate the opening Seattle's Experience Music Project, the group unsurprisingly announced their official breakup. One of their earliest performances was in Ellensburg where they opened for...
Three charming youngsters making music with guitars and drums and vocal chords. twitter @bonsaitreesband .