Simone Awhina | zh

对近代乐坛影响深远的美国传奇爵士及R&B女歌手Nina Simone,前日在其法国马赛的寓所病逝,享年七十岁。据香港媒体报道,近年长期患病的Nina,前日早上在睡梦中安详地病逝,她的经理人赞扬Nina启发了不少后世乐手,她的积极和民权领袖角色将永远令人怀念。Nina三三年在北卡罗莱纳州出世,四岁开始弹钢琴,曾接受古典音乐训练,并于五九年推出首张细碟。她拥有雄浑而慑人的声线,并以歌词带有浓厚社会意识见称,近代歌手如Norah Jones、India.Arie、Peter Gabriel、Sade和Aretha Franklin等,都表示深受她的音乐薰陶。India.Arie更赞扬她道:“她是一个傲视同侪,能唱、能写和表达自己的出色钢琴手。”Nina Simone于七三年移居海外,其后表示是因国内的种族歧视而移民,她最后一次公开表演是于去年七月。 .
Afric Simone (born 17 July 1956) is a singer, musician, and entertainer from Mozambique.[1] He entered the European charts with his first hit "Ramaya" in 1975, which was followed by another well-known song "Hafanana" (1975). He was very popular from 1975 to 1980 on both sides of the iron curtain. He was born in Brazil, to a Brazilian father and Mozambique-origin mother, but at the age of 9 (after his father's death) he and his mother had to move to her motherland Mozambique on the east coast of Africa, in the capital city Lourenço Marques, now Maputo. Once, when he...
There are several artists that perform under the name Simone. 1. Simone Egeriis from Denmark 2. Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira, a Brazilian singer and a major performer of Música Popular Brasileira. 3. Simone Tomassini, an Italian singer-songwriter 4. Simone Stelzer, an Austrian singer, who represented Austria in the 1990 Eurovision song contest 5. Simone Sheckles of Lola Waxx Records 6.Simone (born Lisa Celeste Stroud), daughter of legendary Jazz singer, Nina Simone. 7. Simone Kopmajer 1. Simone Egeriis from Denmark (born January 28, 1992). At the tender age of 9 she sang in a children's gospel choir and has also attended...
三个来自于纽约布鲁克林的年轻女子~ Heather D'Angelo (主唱/键盘乐器/打击乐器) Erika Forster (主唱/键盘乐器/) Annie Hart (主唱/键盘乐器/) Au Revoir Simone开始于2003年的秋天, Erika Forster在一趟回纽约的火车上认识了’朋友的朋友’Annie Hart,过不久另一位朋友Heather D’Angelo也加入了他们开始在自己的家里做一些玩票性质的乐团练习,这段期间还曾经有现今已离团的Sung Bin Park跟他们一起玩音乐.过了好一段日子,她们开始在纽约各处表演. 2005年一月, Sung Bin Park离开乐团,她们也正式以三人组合成立了Au Revoir Simone.他们的音乐风格简直就像是把一间丰富的唱片行里面各式各样的唱片结合在一起,虽然有时候有点让人感觉有点错置,但是却又让人有挖到宝的感觉. Au Revoir Simone主要是走Indie Pop的风格,作品并带有Dream Pop的气息 Au Revoir Simone是一队来自纽约的三人全键盘乐队,从这点来说很容易联想到Sleater-Kinney或者Slumber Party,总的来说他们的音乐是以清新可爱的电子键盘为基础,点缀地加些女孩甜蜜可口的人声,当然,有时可爱甜蜜的女声也会变的昏暗低沉,喜欢这类型音乐的朋友可以试试……不过这类音乐本身也很容易入耳的。 .
Victor Joe Simonelli Victor Simonelli's name is synonymous with the cutting edge of the Dance Music scene. Simonelli is one of the New York’s finest and most prolific DJ's. He was also one of the early pioneers of the unique NYC underground dance music movement that has now become a phenomenon it its own right and religiously followed by the clubbing faithful the world over. A producer/re-mixer, song writer, record label owner, and highly sought after DJ, are just four facets of this multi-talented young man. His discography of production, writing. mixing and editing credits reads like a "Who's Who!...