Suzanne+Ciani | zh

Since 1991, Suzanne Collins has been busy writing for children’s television. She has worked on the staffs of several Nickelodeon shows, including the Emmy-nominated hit Clarissa Explains it All and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo. For preschool viewers, she penned multiple stories for the Emmy-nominated Little Bear and Oswald. She also co-wrote the critically acclaimed Rankin/​Bass Christmas special, Santa, Baby! Most recently she was the Head Writer for Scholastic Entertainment’s Clifford’s Puppy Days. While working on a Kids WB show called Generation O! she met children’s author James Proimos, who talked her into giving children’s books a try. Thinking...
Chicago's death metal legends, formed in 1988 by guitarist Scott Carroll and bassist/vocalist Mike Perun, was founded upon a vision of creating the heaviest death metal in existence! The world's first lethal dose of Cianide came in the form of 1990's 'Funeral' demo. Picking up where bands like Venom and Hellhammer left off, Cianide was the fix death metal addicts worldwide were craving. The band was solidified with the addition of drummer, Jeff Kabella. The three went on to abuse this planet with 1992's punishing debut opus, 'The Dying Truth', and again in 1994 with 'A Descent Into Hell', thus...
Chicago-born Suzanne Palmer became a high-profile dance music diva after teaming up with New York-based producer Peter Rauhofer and joined his project Club 69, adding her dazzling vocals on "Much Better," "Alright," "Twisted," and a house version of Diana Ross' 1981 hit "Muscles" featured on the 1997 album Style. The daughter of a jazz pianist, Palmer started performing professionally at the age of 16. From gospel, soul, jazz, and contemporary R&B to house and techno, the talented singer had the opportunity to start her solo career after touring Europe as part of the vocal group Victory Singers, achieving an award...
英文名:Suzanne Ciani   中文名:苏珊·希雅妮   生 日:六月四日   星 座:双子座   个 性:热爱挑战,兼具积极与感性的双重面貌,拥有丰富多样的创作才华   兴 趣:音乐、网球、瑜珈、烹调意大利料理   音乐领域:跨足作曲、编曲、录音、制作、广告及节目配乐 ...等多项领域,属于全才型的创作音乐人   奖项:屡获广告界Clios配乐奖、四次葛莱美奖(Grammy)提名、全美告示牌(Billboard)新世纪音乐榜、美国著名成人抒情电台排行榜等。   四张提名葛莱美奖的专辑:   浮光掠影(PianissimoII )、   琴梦(Dream Suite) 、   Hotel Luna、   Neverland   专辑发行:   最真的梦 (Live!)   浮光掠影(Pianissimo II )   琴梦 (Dream Suite)   爱的速度 (The Velocity of Love)   爱欲之潮 (Seven Waves)   苏珊在1982年发行她的个人首张专辑「爱欲之潮」(Seven Waves)。至今已拥有十张的个人演奏专辑、个人激光视盘、CF及电视配乐、乐谱册,并获得四次葛莱美奖提名,同时更是Billboard排行榜上「新世纪音乐」(New Age)的常胜军。   这些荣誉无法完全代表聆听苏珊。希雅妮音乐的感动。苏珊的音乐创作融合了古典的技巧,并以现代钢琴的表现诠释出简单、轻盈的音乐空间感,彷佛跟大自然合为一气,无限延伸人类的感性想象。   早期苏珊的创作有着浓郁的电子风格,除了因为她曾与电子合成乐的开山祖师Don Buchla工作外,她并为自己设计了一款名为Buchla的电子合成乐器,往后十年她便以这台机械 做为她重要的创作乐器。而她的个人首张专辑「Seven Waves 」也成为早期电子乐的代表性作品之一。   第二张专辑「爱的速率」(The Velocity of Love),苏珊与因电影「火战车」而获得1981年最佳电影配乐奖,并以专辑「南极物语」而在全球拥有高知名度的新世纪音乐电影配乐大师范吉利思(Vangelis)共同合作演奏。这次的合作机会让他们二人私底下成了无话不说的好友,并且也让此专辑有了极佳的销售成绩。   专辑中的同名主打曲<爱的速率>成为苏珊最脍炙人口的代表作品。此外,专辑更登上了美国著名的新成人抒情电台(New Adult Contemporary)的点播排行榜。   1985年,苏珊开始与Private Music唱片公司合作,在这个阶段她总共发行了五张专辑,并屡获葛莱美奖的提名,透过BMG唱片公司的发行,使全球乐迷更加了解她。合作数年之后,苏珊亟思转变,她开始想参与自己专辑的录制工作,于是她结束了跟唱片公司的合作关系,搬至北加州,放弃电子合成乐的创作,重拾古典音乐的精神。   苏珊与乔组了一家名为Seventh Waves的公司,在1994年发行了「琴梦」(Dream Suite)专辑,这张专辑是她首度尝试与大型管弦乐团合作。之后她录制了「浮光掠影」( Pianissimo II)专辑,这是她第二次尝试专辑独奏的型式,并在次年又得到葛莱美奖提名,这已是她第四次提名葛莱美奖了。此外她认识了许多住在北加州的音乐家与艺人,并开始衍生制作「最真的梦-音乐会现场实况录音」的概念。   随着「最真的梦」专辑发行,苏珊展开全球巡回音乐会,1997年她在欧洲巡回演出,1998年的10月她来台湾演出,继之再到拉丁美洲演出。   「我的音乐是绝对追寻自然,因而它可以超乎国界,跨越种族、文化的藩篱。」用苏珊对自己音乐的诠释作结尾。我们期待以她的琴声翱翔天地之间。 .