Lez Zeppelin | zh

Led Zeppelin(齐柏林飞艇) Led Zeppelin破除了传统摇滚乐的所有界限,为重金属和硬摇滚描绘了定义,是音乐史上最伟大的乐队之一。   乐队Yardbirds在1967年解散后,Jimmy Page和贝斯手Chris Dreja 拥有了乐队的名字,他们还继承了一些现场演出的合同。1968年Robert Plant加入,而John Paul Jones代替Dreja的位置。Page在经过了一个月的劝说之后,使鼓手John Bonham加入乐队。   这个四人组合用New Yardbirds的名字完成了演出合同,于1968年10月在30个小时之内录制了第一张命名专辑。年底,乐队以Led Zeppelin名字签约Atlantic Records公司,并开始在美国巡回演出。   Led Zeppelin于1969年1月亮相,两个月内风靡一时。专辑直登榜首,Led Zeppelin也如日中天。第二张专辑《Led Zeppelin II》是在一年的巡回演出当中录制完成的,在榜首停留7周之久。   在第三张专辑《Led Zeppelin III》中乐队偏离硬摇滚,致力于英国民歌的神秘方面。但直到1971年11月被称为《Led Zeppelin IV》的专辑发行时,乐队才掌握了民歌的灵魂。此专辑在25年中共售出一千六百万张,包括最成功的单曲《Stairway To Heaven》,《Rock & Roll》和《When The Levee Breaks》。   1973年春乐队发行专辑《Houses of the Holy》,放弃了传统的专辑命名方法,Funk和reggae风格的尝试与以往rock和folk风格并存,在英美都登上榜首。在其后的巡回演出中Led Zeppelin为1976年专辑《The Song Remains The Same》做好了准备工作。    为更好适应乐队的录音需要,Led Zeppelin于1974年组建了自己的公司Swan Song,并录制了双专辑《Physical Graffiti, Presence》和《In Through The Out Door》--第8张,也是最后一张专辑。 成功发行专辑《In Through The Out Door》后,Zeppelin进行了最后一次欧洲巡回演出。1980年9月25日,John Bonham被发现死于醉酒后造成的窒息。同年10月,乐队解散。 .
Romanian hip-hop act made up of Serafim (emcee), Ortega (producer) & Koma, signed to Hades Records. Their first track, "Ca nou" (DJ Faibo X, who was part of the initial Zeppelin line-up, features on the track) was released on the Hades Records Preia Controlul 2 Mixtape, in December 2007. In December 2009, they released their frist EP, titled "Fara Parasute". The first street single, "Dupa ce ei mor" (After they die) featuring Praetor of Veritasaga fame, debuted exclusively on monden.info on December 18th. The group is currently working on their debut full-length album and on shooting multiple videos for the...
Dread Zeppelin is an American band best known for covering the songs of Led Zeppelin in a reggae style sung by an Elvis Presley impersonator, though their act now encompasses many other songs and other styles of music. Led Zeppelin vocalist Robert Plant has said that Dread Zeppelin is his favorite Led Zeppelin cover band. As of June 2006, Dread Zeppelin is touring sparingly but still releasing new material. .
Lez Zeppelin are a New York City-based all-female tribute band, performing the work of Led Zeppelin. In April 2007, after touring in the U.S. and Europe, the band released its first album, Lez Zeppelin, which was produced by Eddie Kramer, former recording engineer on several Led Zeppelin albums. In the wake of this release, the band was invited to festivals including the Download Festival in the UK, Rock am Ring and Rock im Park in Germany, and the Voodoo Festival in New Orleans. Throughout 2008, the group continued to tour in the U.S. and in the late Autumn made its...
找到了 65 歌曲, 持续时间: 07:37:14
Whole Lotta Love
Good Times Bad Times
3/ On The Rocks
In The Light
Communication Breakdown
Whole Lotta Love
Whole Lotta Love
I Can't Quit You Baby
The Ocean
whole lotta love
Rock and Roll
You Shook Me
Rain Song
2/ The Ocean
Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin)
7/ Communication Breakdown
On The Rocks (Instrumental)
Whole Lotta Love (2007)
Achilles Last Stand
Communication Breakdown (2007)
Kashmir (Led Zeppelin)
Since I've Been Loving You (Led Zeppelin cover)
The Ocean
The Ocean
Оn the Rocks
The Ocean (Led Zeppelin)
Communication Breakdown (Led Zeppelin)
04. Since I've Been Loving You
On The Rocks (Led Zeppelin)
8/ Kashmir
Whole Lotta Love
Dazed And Confused
Winter Sun
Battle Of Evermore
The Rain Song (Live - Bonus Track)
07. Communication Breakdown
Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin cover)
Winter Sun (Led Zeppelin)
Immigrant Song
Kashmir (Led Zeppelin cover)
Immigrant Song (Live - Bonus Track)
Winter Sun (Instrumental)