Fungoid+Stream | zh

Stream Of Passion 是一支来自荷兰的一支哥特金属乐队    风格:Progressive Metal / Gothic Metal (前卫金属,哥特金属) 成员:    [目前成员]    Marcela Bovio - Lead Vocals主唱, Electric Violin电子小提琴    Johan van Stratum - Bass Guitar贝司    Eric Hazebroek - Rhythm Guitars节奏吉他    Stephan Schultz - Lead Guitars主吉他    Jeffrey Revet - Keyboards键盘 & Synthesizers合成乐器    Martijn Peters - Drums鼓手 [离团成员]    Arjen Lucassen - Lead/Rhythm Guitars, Backing Vocals    Lori Linstruth - Lead/Rhythm Guitars    Alejandro Millán - Keyboards, Piano, Backing Vocals    Davy Mickers - Drums Stream Of Passion荷兰歌特金属乐队!这个乐队是个多国组合,灵魂人物Arjen Lucassen来自荷兰,也是Stream Of Passion创始人,漂亮的女主唱Marcela Bovio和键盘手Alejandro Millan来自墨西哥,女主音吉他手Lori Linstruth来自美国,还有荷兰的鼓手Davy Mickers和贝斯手Johan van Stratum。乐队以歌特女声主唱,金属吉他,钢琴,小提琴和大提琴再加上Arjen Lucassen非凡的创作和编曲能力,使他们成了金属界不可低估的一支歌特金属乐队! 提起Stream Of Passion就不得不谈到Ayreon,作为荷兰音乐界举足轻重的国际著名团队,其灵魂人物Arjen Anthony Lucassen也正是Stream Of Passion的创始者!可以说是一个女人打动了Arjen,使得他十年来首次正式创建另一支乐队。故事要追溯到2004年Ayreon的经典专辑“The Human Equation”,除了唱片的大获成功以外,对于Arjen来说另一个惊喜就是“Wife”的演唱者Marcela Bovio。 Marcela Bovio来自墨西哥,两年前她通过Arjen的网站与Ayreon取得联系,参与了当时的歌手选拔,优胜者可以有机会参加Ayreon的音乐项目。对于Marcela的声音Arjen给予了相当高的评价,“当我第一次听到Marcela的录音时,我感受到极大的震撼。拥有如此热情和能量的声音是非常非常少见的!”要知道Ayreon曾经和数以百计的歌手合作过,其中不乏很多著名歌手,能够得到Arjen如此高评价的实在是少之又少。 看到了Marcela身上所隐藏的天赋,Arjen决定成立一支乐队以更好地挖掘Marcela的潜力。为了不给她带来压力,Arjen细心地策划着乐队组建以及未来的发展。陆续又有几个成员通过网络和Arjen取得了联系,从而成为了Stream Of Passion的一员,分别是荷兰的鼓手Davy Mickers,美国的女吉他手Lori Linstruth,墨西哥钢琴师Alejandro Millán以及荷兰的贝斯手Johan...
DJ Deckstream aka Monorisick is a japanese dj/producer who used to be with Hydeout Productions. DJ Deckstream (Dee Jay deck stream, March 25, 1977 - August 27, 2015) Japan's DJ, track maker. Yamagata Prefecture, born in Sakata. After working in the indie label "HydeOut Productions" as Monorisick, he had worked on a number of remixes in DJ Deckstream name, produced, the m-flo-related work. .
Anton Ievtushenko. Kiev. Ukraine. Drum'n'bass (Atmo/liquid/drumfunk) .
Bitstream AKA brothers Steve and Dave Conner, from Northamptonshire UK. The brothers only began releasing music a few years ago due to a friend’s insistence to ‘get something out’. Their initial work was released on Signal Recordings and then on Moderl Love and Touchin' Bass. Rob Holloway was also member in the early days. Bitstream stopped recording in 2008. Steve now works under the name adapta - Dave under the name Uexküll and Rob has made a number of releases as Troubleshooter. .
找到了 68 歌曲, 持续时间: 10:02:11
Great Messenger, Bringer Of Strange Joy
06. Oceanus
04. Interlude: The Pnakotic Manus
01. Great Messenger,Bringer Of Strange Joy
02. Antarktos
04. Things That I Dare Not Repeat
06. Dead,He Waits Dreaming
02. Holocaust Of Ecstasy And Freedom
05. In Idiot Vortices
Holocaust of Ecstasy and Freedom
Celaenus Fragments
The Bridges of Yuggoth
Oceanus (2010)
Dead. He Waits Dreaming
01. The Book
The Window
Interlude: From Yaddith To Earth
The Window
The Howler
Dead, He Waits Dreaming
Things that I dare not repeat
Holocaust of Ecstasy and Freedom
Celaenus Fragments
The Howler
In Idiot Vortices
Interlude - The Pnakotic Manuscripts
Things that I dare not repeat
04. Interlude: the Pnakotic Manuscripts.
The Wind Gibbers In Their Voices
The Earth Mutters With Their Consciousness
The garden of Yin
The Gardens of Yin
All-in-One and One-in-All
The Bridges of Yuggoth
The Howler
The Gardens of Yin
Bridges of Yuggoth
The Wind Gibbers In Their Voices
The Earth Mutters With Their Consciousness