Charly+Lownoise | zh

Charles (Charly) René Pierre Luske (born 19th of September 1978, Amsterdam) is a dutch singer, actor and host. He is married to actress Tanja Jess and has two sons. Charly Luske is best known for his appearance in the 2011 version of The Voice of Holland. Singing "It's a men's world" in the blind auditions, he amazed both jury and public, and quickly became top favorite to win. It was considered a shock when Charly lost out to Chris Hordijk in the semi-finals by only a small margin. Charly started singing when he was twelve years old, encouraged by his...
Until 1987 Charly’s teenage years were dominated by Disco and Italiën music. But his musical directions were changed, when he first heard House-music on a summer holiday in Blanes, Spain. After hooking-up with Mental Theo in 1992, things went fast for Ramon! Remember songs like: Wonderful Days, Stars, Hardcore Feelings and many more. Over twelve years they travelled around the world spreading their Happy Hardcore sound. At the end of the ninetees Charly was tired of the commercial sound and he started to experiment in the studio again, together with two oldtime friends, Frank and Marcel. Trying to build a...
德国鼓皇查利.安东尼的代表作:CRASH[打断鼓棍]和COUNTDOWN[倒数]结合而成,是发烧友梦寐以求的超值高质天碟。差利.安东尼的凌厉卓越打鼓技巧,和JETON的发烧录音,再也不需要多作介绍;要说的是:这是一张珍贵难求的试音天碟,肯定能把鼓声的震撼力量,带到您的音响体系。 这张誉满天下的“打断鼓棍”在过去二十年中一直是考验音响体系的力水,瞬变与动态的最佳打鼓录音,没听过此碟,诸位又怎能体会和了解到“鼓声劲到扑穿头”的意义!德国鼓王Charly Antolini的十四首精选的代表作,每一首都是这么劲和过瘾。 .