Simple+Minds | zh

1998年成军于加拿大蒙特利尔的Simple Plan乐队由五位成员组成,目前已经发表了两张专辑,销量均在百万张以上,2005年7月24日,作为CCTV-MTV音乐盛典的嘉宾,他们将空降北京。   2002年,首张纯流行朋克专辑《No Pad, No Helmets Just Balls》在欧美市场的几百万张的销量证明了他们并非等闲之辈。但Simple Plan没有冲昏头脑。   2004年秋,由金牌摇滚制作人Bob Rock(曾经为“金属”乐队等担任制作人)担当监制的专辑《Still Not Getting Any…》(一无所有)的面市充分见证了这五人组合的健康成长。这不再是张专辑纯粹的流行朋克专辑。其第一主打单曲“Welcome to my life”已经成为全球范围内的热门歌曲;“Shut up”则是生猛有力流行朋克,而“Untitled”则是一首动人的情歌。   Simple Plan的情绪其实更多是来自经典朋克们那些永不磨灭的愤怒与青春冲动,激扬的鼓点、流畅的旋律、时髦的扮相、加上不俗的实力和杰出表现使他们成为一代城市少年主流的音乐消费目标。而从其主唱Pierre Bouvier被美国《明星》(PopStar)杂志评为2005年最性感的14个男人之一也可以看到Simple Plan未来的道路会更为多姿多彩。 2008年2月,他们发表了第三张录音室专辑《Simple Plan》,这张专辑呈现出了他们力求改变和创新的不俗表现。乐队成员都对这张专辑自信满满,认为这是他们出道以来最棒的一张,甚至表示这会是一张能够让Simple Plan流芳百世的专辑。这一次,他们请到了曾经和Evannescence合作过的Dave,以及Timberland的制作人,专辑中也加入了一些HipHop和R&B的元素,但是到了副歌的部分,乐迷一定就会认出这就是Simple Plan的作品!推荐I Can Wait Forever和When I'm Gone,不要错过哦! p.s.中的Untitled并不是一首情歌,而是告诫青少年不要酗酒驾车的宣传歌曲,这首歌的MV便是讲述了一起酗酒驾车而引起的车祸而使得几个家庭痛的刻骨铭心,再配上动人的旋律,的确发人深省,很有教育意义。 .
Simple Minds is a Scottish pop and rock band that achieved its greatest worldwide popularity from the mid-80s to the early 90s, still playing to a massive fan-following today. The group, from the South Side of Glasgow, has produced a set of critically acclaimed albums in the early 80s. It also has secured a string of successful hit singles, the best known being their #1 worldwide hit single "Don't You (Forget About Me)", from the soundtrack of the John Hughes movie The Breakfast Club and their worldwide hit single "Alive and Kicking". The band has sold more than 40 million...
Suspicious Minds is a metallic hardcore band from Memphis, Tennessee. .
Trance-duo from Moscow, Russia. Tracks and remixes by Eximinds have been published and signed on such labels as Enhanced, Perfecto, Shah Music, Spinnin (2 Play), Unearthed Records, Flashover, Perceptive Deep, Nellie Recordings, HBR, Black Hole etc. .
There is more than one artist with this name. 1: Straight Edge hardcore band from Maryland. Formerly known as Anti-Wasteoids. 2: Mindset is a melodic hardcore band from Melbourne, Australia. Formed in 2005, Mindset have relased 2 EPs, including 2009's 'Reset, Revive.' The bands debut full length titled 'Midnight Sky,' was released April 2011 on Pee Records. & 3: Mindset was formed in 1994 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. Early influences included Helmet, King's X and Rage Against The Machine among many others. The bands sound was a striped down mix of tight rhythms, low tuned guitars,...