ledeboiter | zh

Ledeboiter is a french still experimental electronic music artist. His name mean "The Twisted" in english, but still can be interpretted anyway. He've been trying to take you to a trip to his world : A world where if you run with all your might, you can catch the White Rabbit, struggle him, then eat him. Where Alice is a godness, the Queen a fool, and the Mad Hatter, a dangerous foe. Expect very variate genres from him, he just fit the music to the motions he realise... .
找到了 17 歌曲, 持续时间: 46:06
Knight Fight
Take me to Cyberia
DIY Mega Computer
Intense Meditation
Layer 5 feat.Adam Krenz
Monotonously Bright
Washing Death Machine
Time to Nep thinks up!
Train your Soul
Layer 3 feat.DoMiNoVoX
Welcome to the Wired
Bathtube Sucide
The Dolphin are Mad
Layer 1 feat.DoMiNoVoX
Layer 4 feat.DoMiNoVoX
Layer 2 feat.DoMiNoVoX