Streets | zh

Skinner如桂冠诗人般的文采为传统MC的说唱态度赋予了更深层的街头文化观察者的定义,他的说唱辞藻侦测到英国街头人生的变化,零售商店、公车站、毒品贩子、麦当劳、俱乐部、汽车中的乘客,不怎么起眼的英国平凡小子的人生不断的上演,看在Skinner的眼里可是别有一番感受。   5岁的时候就对键盘兴起无比的好奇心,Skinner打从9岁就立下要出唱片的宏愿,一头栽进De La Soul、Beastie Boys的音乐空间。15岁的那一年,Skinner决定要将hip-hop玩出新花样,当下就将卧室改建成饶舌中心,18岁进一步吸收来自house节奏与当时刚萌芽的英国garage的养分,隔一年抱着取样机前往澳洲酒吧打工一整年,尽管自己的音乐跟garage的舞池派对文化产生互动,但是, Skinner希望自己的garage节奏不要与伦敦炫丽的舞池潮流一个样,于是决定化名为The Streets,挺身为英国劳工阶层代言!   于是在2002年,我们见证到凭着获誉为「2001年版Inner City Life」之处男单曲"Has It Come To This?"一鸣惊人、原名Mike Sinner的The Streets,在正式出道仅仅一年的时间内便发表横扫全球乐坛的首张大碟《Original Pirate Material》,成为所有英美音乐杂志的年度最佳专辑之一(而且还是Muzik、Jockey Slut、The Face等的年度第一),甚至至今全球销售量已超过一百万张,一发不可收拾的「The Streets现象」就这样在全球蔓延发酵,甚至间接造就了去年Dizzee Rascal的崛起。Original Pirate Material的优异与独树一帜之处,在于顶着「UK Garage都会诗人」、「UK Garage未来希望」头衔的The Streets一方面能在音乐上破格地将2-Step、Hip Hop、Reggae、House、Ska、Jungle影响共冶一炉,更重要的是词作中细腻描绘英国Urban Street Life的独特敏锐角度引发英国传媒「群起」探究剖析,带来的是一张很英国的专辑。   而《Original Pirate Material》缔造的功成名就,并没有让The Streets这位MC/制作人身陷"Difficult Second Album"的宿命魔咒中而导致新作难产,反而俐落地在两年后便祭出这张同样大受瞩目的后继专辑《A Grand Don't Come for Free》。内容上这次依旧来得很英国,只不过切入角度上更趋个人化;然而在音乐处理上,我们却见到The Streets朝向一个与前作甚为迥异的方向前进(与UK Garage划清界线?)。   不过这并没有影响到The Streets的人气,也因此才会有这只新单曲《Dry Your Eyes》的诞生,不过在《Dry Your Eyes》中收录的歌曲,仅有一首"Dry Your Eyes"是于《A Grand Don't Come for Free》中的歌曲,是专辑的第二首主打,英国冠军单曲,前一阵还有人声称这首歌曲盗用了他歌曲的旋律;其他两首则是源自于《Original Pirate Material》中,在法国现场演唱的收音版本。 .
Emerging From The Same Scene That Has Produced Some Of The World's Best Punk Rock Music, Burning Streets Are Four Kids Playing Their Own Style Of The Music We Love. Growing Up On The Sounds Of The Clash, Dropkick Murphys, Boucing Souls And Social Distortion We Are Just Aiming To Keep This Music Alive. Our Music Comes From Our Hearts And It's An Interpretation Of How We View The World Around Us, The Good And The Bad. Playing Shows, Traveling Anywhere We Can, Meeting New People And Eating Anything In Sight Is What We Do. So Come On Out To...
Oi/Street Punk band from Moscow,Russia. .
There is more than one band with this name. 1. Streets of Rage is a three-piece hardcore outfit from Glasgow, Scotland. They play punk rock and are influenced by friends. Releases on Methodist Leisure Inc, steal them. 2. A new (antifascist) oi! band from the streets of Nancy, France 3. Some other people: WWW.MYSPACE.COM/STREETSOFRAGEPOP WWW.PUREVOLUME.COM/STREETSOFRAGEPOP Streets of Rage - BIOGRAPHY Addison Kowalski - Vox Brandon Bonfiglio - Lead/Rhythm Guitar Dan Kinsner - Drums/Sequencing Dustin Sherron - Bass Nate Huckabone - Rhythm Guitar Management/Booking: Tim Mito In an industry where few bands that make it are original, Streets of Rage has...
The City Streets, hailing from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada formed in 2005. They play diverse melodic bliss power pop with the spirit of punk rock always shining a light. A melancholy celebration of people and places remembered fondly by a hard drinking band more at home on the road than in their native Alberta, Concentrated Living by Edmonton's City Streets is like suddenly remembering that today is the birthday of someone you fell in love with a long time ago. Like anthems for lonely people, the album chronicles faraway and fleeting love, not just for a person but for an imagined...
找到了 196 歌曲, 持续时间: 12:55:37
Street Fighter II
Empty Streets
Metal Is the Way
Empty Streets (Continuous Mix)
Out in the Streets
Harlem Streets
Street Light
Street Mech
Street Life
Streets x Needed Me (Nightcore)
Streets x Kiss It Better (8D Audio)
Manele on Streets
Empty Streets
700 Main Street
Streets x Needed Me
Streets - Like You, Like You
Streets (Nightcore)
Streets x Needed Me (sped up to perfection)
Streets x Kiss It Better (Nightcore)
Bentley Records the Song
Empty Streets
broken streets
Челяба Streets
Empty Streets (FSOE 735)
Empty Streets
Empty Streets
Streets Favorite