Projekt B | zh

Stanica Projekt - roky fungujúca formácia z východu našej malej republiky. Aj keď, povedzme si pravdu, nemajú chalani vonku tolko materiálu, kolko by sa na dobu ich existencie patrilo, pozná a rešpektuje ich každý hip-hopový fanúšik, a to nielen doma v Košiciach. Ich cesta bola klukatá a zbieranie úspechov pomalé, no v poslednom čase sa táto trojica pochlapila a namiesto pozvolného vypúšťania voľných trackov, či hosťovačiek sa riadne pripomenula na našom PreHlade 2008 a rovnako si pripísala aj zápis do malej veľkej knihy slovenských releasov. Hovorím o ich vinylovom EP 2008 a tu sa ich cesta ani zďaleka nekončí. Stanica...
Gero Bode has been successful since 1980. In 1995, he founded KLANGSTRAHLER PROJEKT. One year later, Mark Eichenseher (Guitar) joined him. Their cooperative influence on one another is interesting, unusual and progressive, especially since they were pioneers in combining electronic and acoustic music. Their great abilities have been tested and proved with their legendary live-gigs throughout Europe and by their excellent first releases. In July ´97, their first vinyl EP, "Gregorians", was released. It was followed by the dancefloor-hit of the year "Nexxus rmx" on 12" in May ´98. Their musical evolution continued with their first album, "Sinnestäuschung" , released...
POE (Projekt Ostry Emade) - a hip-hop project established by two well-known polish artists: O.S.T.R. (Adam Ostrowski) and Emade. Both artists come from the same music label called Asfalt Records. In 2005 this collaboration produced full-length album "Szum rodzi hałas". O.S.T.R., MC from Lodz was responsible for the lyrical layer of the album. Emade, the producer, created the beats. .
Mastermind, Taury Goforth, has been making music as Dead Hand Projekt (aka DHP) since 2010. Originating in Southern California, Dead Hand Projekt was formed in January, 2010, and has been actively destroying our ear drums with gut wrenching vocals, filled with hate, disgust, and vile truths; and punching us in our faces with slamming beats, heart crushing bass, and devastating leads. Dead Hand Projekt released its first and self-titled album in 2010, on August 17th. This album contains an astounding 15 original tracks; 14 listed and 1 (RoosterBoy) as a secret track on the physical CD. Dead Hand Projekt -...