Torsten Borg | zh

Borgore is the alias of Israeli dubstep producer Asaf Borger, who is currently releasing tunes through Shift Recordings, Terminal Dusk, Trill Bass, Zaudio, Mad Decent, and Sumerian records He is also a drummer for the deathcore band Shabira , and part of the dubstep duo Alphamale Primates, which consists of him and Tomba. He has recently finished a massive US tour to sold out dates everywhere and a plethora of positive reviews. Borgore has also promoted his fellow artists Bare Noize and Tomba via his Buygore label and continues to tour the world in 2012 while already having dropped the...
DIMMU BORGIR的神秘主义更倾向于优美而不是邪恶。发行于1999年3月1日的Spiritual Black Dimension一上架就引起抢购狂潮,许多唱片店都排起了长队,这再次证明,DIMMU BORGIR是挪威最受欢迎的黑金属乐队。 完成了这张专辑之后,贝司手Nagash决定离开乐队专注于THE KOVENANT乐队中的工作,他的临时替代者Simen Hestnaes(来自BORKNAGAR乐队)早先就曾经在专辑的录制过程中为DIMMU BORGIR配了一些歌剧式的清嗓。在Simen作为临时贝司手加入乐队进行了1999年的巡演后,他决定在年底正式加入DIMMU BORGIR成为永久成员和全职贝司手(这意味着放弃BORKNAGAR的工作)。 Spiritual Black Dimension发行一个月后,DIMMU BORGIR又和OLD MAN"S CHILD联合发行了split专辑Sons of Satan Gather for Attack(撒旦之子联合进攻)。同时,DIMMU BORGIR的吉他手Astennu也发表了他的个人乐队CARPE TENEBRUM的专辑MirroredHate Painting(反射仇恨之卷),这张专辑中的部分主唱由Nagash担任,实际上,它和DIMMU BORGIR的音乐有很多相似之处,只是更快一些。这两张专辑都由Hammerheart唱片公司发行,关于这两张唱片的讯息可以从唱片公司网址查到:Hammerheart Records. .
John Borger (born May 18), better known by his stage name Borgeous, stylized as BORGEOUS, is an American DJ and music producer.The LA-based Platinum recording artist and DJ/producer has already accomplished three Billboard Dance Radio Top 10’s,[2] three Beatport #1’s and a #1 on the iTunes Dancechart in 15 different countries.[3] His earlier releases include "From Cali With Love", "GANGSTEROUS", "Rags to Riches" and "AGGRO" that launched his career in 2013. However it was with the release of "Tsunami" in collaboration with Canadian electronic music duo DVBBS that he shot to international fame. At first there was confusion about the...
Brita Kerstin Gunvor Borg (June 10, 1926 – May 4, 2010) was a Swedish singer, actress, and variety show artist. Her variety show career spanned from 1943 into the 1970s, while her singing career trailed away at the end of the 1960s. However, she was still an active actress in the 1980s. Borg represented Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest 1959 in Cannes. Borg was born on Södermalm in Stockholm and began her career in the Södermalm-based variety show group Vårat gäng ("Our Gang") after having won a song competition which the magazine Vecko-Revyn organised in 1943. In 1945, she...