Armin van Buuren vs The Ultimate Seduction | zh

与Tiesto、System F系出同源,并齐名的Trance电音新锐Armin van Buuren,最新专辑为08年4月发行的"Imagine",得到的评价都比较中肯。1976年出生于荷兰的莱顿(Leiden),他的人生可说充满了音乐,因此Armin会踏上电音DJ一途,一点也不令人意外。打从小时候开始,他便不断看著父亲总是在为著音乐的事情忙碌,手上播放著一张接著一张的唱片。所以在耳濡目染下,Armin很早便对音乐产生了兴趣,到了80年代,更因著好友的推荐,开始接触混音的技巧,也因此奠定他将来决心走入电音界,进而世界知名的电音DJ。    在了解DJ基础的技巧之后,Armin转而对运用电脑制作电音,产生了极大的兴趣。其实早在9岁时,他就利用Basic程式作了人生中的第一首歌,所以 Armin心中最感兴趣的两件事便是 – 音乐与电脑,这两样东西也是他大部分创作音乐的灵感来源,就像是他所仰慕的两位电子音乐先锋Jean Michel Jarre与Klaus Schule,启发了Armin在电音方面独到的品味。最美丽的音乐.    1995年Armin在莱顿大学攻读法律的时候,他也在当地的Club打工放放歌开启DJ生涯。同时他也在建立自己的录音室来创作音乐,因此一些早期脍炙人口的畅销曲“Blue Fear”、“Touch Me”、“Communication”都是属于这段时期的创作。虽然都Armin的作品,却营造出千变万化的氛围,主要是归功他的音乐背景所致,让他一点都没有自我风格的包袱。据他自己表示,在作音乐时,从不按照一定的规则来创作,尽量按照自己想要方式来呈现,尽量按照自己想要方式来呈现,绝不让这样的羁绊来限制自己的音乐特性;所以最美丽的音乐通常都是不按常理出牌的,这也是之所以Armin的音乐一直都很快地打动人心的主因! 1995年Armin在莱顿大学攻读法律的时候,他也在当地的Club打工放放歌开启DJ生涯。同时他也在建立自己的录音室来创作音乐,因此一些早期脍炙人口的畅销曲“Blue Fear”、“Touch Me”、“Communication”都是属于这段时期的创作。虽然都Armin的作品,却营造出千变万化的氛围,主要是归功他的音乐背景所致,让他一点都没有自我风格的包袱。据他自己表示,在作音乐时,从不按照一定的规则来创作,尽量按照自己想要方式来呈现,绝不让这样的羁绊来限制自己的音乐特性;所以最美丽的音乐通常都是不按常理出牌的,这也是之所以Armin的音乐一直都很快地打动人心的主因! 1998年,Armin的单曲“Blue Fear”成功打进了UK排行榜,名利双收之余,也顺利开启了Armin迈向国际的DJ的生涯。隔年,他更与引荐他到英美发展的Dave Lewis一同开创自己的电音品牌“Armin”。 在一连串的成功后,Armin开始他的马拉松式世界巡回,所到之处不仅受到很大的回响,他出神入化的Djing在许多国家也造成一段段令人歌颂的电音传奇。因此在2001年DJ杂志年终榜中,他得到了第27名的肯定,并且得到Tiesto、System F等人的背书保证,隔年,2002年的DJ杂志年终榜,Armin再下一成,登上了第五名的极高评价,排名仅在Tiesto、Sasha、John Digweed、Paul Van Dyk之后,俨然以列入世界DJ巨星的殿堂;同年,Armin还在海牙完成了连续放歌12小时半的超级纪录. .
At least two artist known as Ultimate: 1. Ultimate is Lomakin Dmitriy a young progressive and melodic trance producer and DJ. Was born in 1987 in Moscow Region (Shyolkovo). He was interested in music from the early childhood, then he was actively studying piano. Later Dmitriy got interested in electronic music. After a year of active music craft learning, in 2008 Dmitriy creates his first track Lost Forever released at British label Resonate. At the moment Ultimate works with labels Resonate, Abstraction, Tranceflo, Unearthed, Shah Music, Well Mixed. 2. There is also a disco group named Ultimate, it was the...
Early Work: The pre-2002 Charming Hostess (also known as Charming Hostess Big Band) was a rock band that embraced a genderfuck sensibility (the women often wore mustaches while the men wore dresses). Early Charming Hostess music drew on women's vocal traditions (primarily from Eastern Europe and North Africa), and integrated them with American folk forms both white and black. Charming Hostess was founded in the fertile anarchy of Barrington Co-op (aka Barrington Hall), and nurtured by the West Oakland arts community, along with other coeval bands such as Fibulator and Eskimo. Half of Charming Hostess was also in Idiot Flesh/Sleepytime...
(1) Seduction, an American proto Pop/R&B girl group who had a handful of hits during the late 80s and early 90s. Seduction hailed from New York, and were assembled & produced by Clivilles and Cole of C+C Music Factory, consisting of members Idalis DeLeon (born 15 June 1966), April Harris (born 25 March 1967) and Michelle Visage (born 20 September 1968). Originally intended as a studio project, Seduction’s second single “You’re My One and Only (True Love)” featured uncredited lead vocals by Martha Wash. The song ended up becoming a hit, and a group was then assembled for the recording...
Carmina is the name of an unsigned French Death Metal band of the 'old school' vein. They appear on the CDR compilation 'Obscure Infinity' released by underground French label Nihilistic Holocaust, plus a split 7" 'Terror v's Terror' with fellow French Death Metal band Morgue. They also released a 4 track demo in 2004. Line up : Alexis : Guitar - Damien : Bass / Vocals - Michaël : Drums - Stu : Guitar / Vocals .
找到了 26 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:23:22
The Ultimate Seduction [HOA 275]
Ultimate Seduction (Serg Shadura Mashup Mix)
The Ultimate Seduction (Original Mix)
The Ultimate Seduction (Extended Mix)
The Ultimate Seduction (Extended Mix)[Armind]
The Ultimate Seduction (Extended Mix)
The Ultimate Seduction [TRENDING TRACK]
The Ultimate Seduction (Extended Mix)(2016)
The Ultimate Seduction (Original Mix)
The Ultimate Seduction (Extended Mix)
The Ultimate Seduction [TUNE OF THE WEEK]
The ultimate seduction
The Ultimate Seduction (Mixed)
The Ultimate Seduction (Extended Mix) (2016)
The Ultimate Seduction (Original Mix)
The Ultimate Seduction (Extended Mix)
The Ultimate Seduction (Extended Mix)
The Ultimate Seduction (Extended Mix)
The Ultimate Seduction (2016)
The Ultimate Seduction (Extended Mix)