emerald | zh

There is more than one artist with this name 1) Emerald City are a 70s rock band 2) Emerald City are a post-hardcore band from Adelaide, Australia. 3) Emerald City are a Hard Rock band from Perth, Australia. 1) They formed in the 70s with the idea of bringing three lead singers from several bands together into a vocal powerhouse. They play many songs by classic rocks bands along with some originals. In 1985 the band broke up. Visit their MySpace Site http://www.myspace.com/emeraldcitytheband for more information. 2) They are a five-piece local post-hardcore band formed in Adelaide, South Australia in...
Emerald Web was a band that recorded and performed in planetariums, composed soundtracks for Carl Sagan, and toured around the US from 1978-1990. They were known for innovative synthesizer orchestration and their unique blend of electronic and acoustic instruments. The band consisted of Kat Epple and Bob Stohl who composed on keyboards, digital orchestrations, flutes, and Lyricon. Their 11 albums include: "Dragon Wings and Wizard Tales", "Whispered Visions", "Sound Trek", "Valley of the Birds", "Aqua Regia", "Nocturne", "Lights of the Ivory Plains", "Traces of Time", "Catspaw", "Dreamspun", and "Manatee Dreams of Neptune". In addition to some self-published albums, the band...
来自欧陆荷兰的爵士乐手Caro Emerald,Caro Emerald原名Caroline Esmeralda van der Leeuw 出生于1981年,父亲是一位哲学家,母亲是大学秘书,Caro Emerald说自己出生在一个"非常知识分子的家庭",成长在没有流行乐,只有老式经典的房子里。 2005年她毕业于阿姆斯特丹音乐学院, 随后加入了一个44人的Funk乐团.从小的音乐熏陶以及多年的学院学习为她积淀了较高的音乐素养和扎实的专业功底. 2010年她才发行自己的第一张唱片Deleted Scenes from the Cuttin,但却反响不俗,单曲“A Night Like This”被酒业龙头Martini选为它的09-10年度广告曲之一。 她的歌曲可以说每首都是精良制作,因为我觉得在爵士界有个很尴尬的情况就是经典的太经典,平凡的太平凡,这种现象导致爵士乐手不断翻唱经典老歌,自己的新品却出的很少(万能的buble也不能免俗)。 而caro这盘专辑却相当俏皮与诙谐,歌曲的镜头感很强,有百老汇歌舞剧的感觉,但这并不意味着歌曲很复古,相反给人的感觉是非常摩登。如果你想小小的摇摆一下又要带点优雅,那么听听caro emerald吧。 Caro Emerald的首张唱片,于1月29日在荷兰发行,连续28周榜单头名,打破了此前由Michael Jackson保持的纪录,唱片于8月份在荷兰本土达到三白金销量,逐渐在欧洲升温,英国区CD于本月18日发行,她在09年推出的首支单曲"Back It Up",由Jan van WieRingen和David Schreurs创作,最初是一个有木琴伴奏的流行电气桑巴,二人邀请Caro Emerald来试唱,发现"哇呜~这真是个惬意的组合,"于是他们开始了与诸多制作人的合作,共同完成了《Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor 》,这张唱片的音乐灵感来源于40,50年代爵士乐,音乐镜头感强烈,风格时髦从容,经Caro Emerald的演绎后又增添了些女孩式的可爱和诙谐,给爵士乐披裹上了一层糖衣,仿佛是古董珠宝在精心制作后的摩登版本,如果你需要俏皮的旋律,摇曳的氛围,同时又想有些小情调的优雅。 .
Emerald Park was formed in Malmo, Sweden in 2001. After 2 years on the demostage, EP released the full-length album "Sadness Within". Since then, the band has taken several leaps in different directions, mainly forward. From being stuck in the down-to-earth alt.country/folk/rock category, the musical spectra now comprises a great deal of the band members own musical influences, that stretches back from 80:s postpunk to 00:s Canadian indie. All this interlinked with lyrics from a downward perspective. Everything goes? 13 newly recorded tracks are waiting in the pipeline for a release in 2008. They are produced by the band and...
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Emerald Sword (Live)
Рыжая ведьма
Emerald Sword
Небесный бой
A Night Like This
Lost Emerald
Black Valentine
Emerald Grave
Хонда Аккорд
Призрак оперы
Tangled Up
Emerald Skies
GUTS Theme (Emerald version)
Honda accord
Лесная песнь
Emerald Town
Emerald Eyes
Полёт дракона
Emerald Forest
Bad Romance
Liquid Lunch
A Night Like This
Emerald Sand
Paris (Live In London)
Собака Баскервилей
A Night Like This
Back It Up
A night like this
Perfect day
Emerald Green
Emerald Rush
Emerald Realm
Ночной гость