Fur Patrol | zh

这是一支典型的Brit-pop乐队,有着清澈的吉他和温暖的旋律。和如今已是大名鼎鼎的Belle&Sebastian一样,两支乐队都曾签约英国厂牌Jeepster,并且都具有典型的“Jeepster气质”——简单淳朴,平实低调。 乐队的主唱兼吉他手Gary Lightbody以及贝司手兼键盘Mark McClenlland都来自北爱尔兰,他们在苏格兰的敦提市上学时认识,鼓手John Quinn的加入使得Snow Patrol正式成军。1998年,乐队与Jeepster签约并推出首张专辑《Songs for Polar Bears》。2000年底,乐队成员结束学业,从敦提市搬到格拉斯哥。2001年,第二张专辑《When It's All Over We Still Have to Clear Up》发行后,吉他手Nathan Connolly加入乐队。随后,乐队改签了Polydor公司,并换用新制作人发行专辑《Final Straw》。这张专辑对Snow Patrol意义重大,产生了一系列让人印象深刻的单曲——《Chocolate》,《Run》和《Spitting Games》。 2005年,乐队初始成员McClenlland离开,贝司手Paul Wilson和键盘手Tom Simpson加入乐队,变成了如今的5人阵容。换血完毕的Snow Patrol为U2乐队担任眩晕巡演(Vertigo Tour)欧洲部分的暖场嘉宾,还参与了“Live 8”演唱会。2006年5月,乐队推出新专辑《Eyes Open》。 .
Ghoul Patrol was death ’n’ roll band which was formed in 2005 by guitarist Jani ”Boogie” Rapo (Alabama Hellraisers) and vocalist Henri Harberg (Stillburned). Wanting to bring something new to the Finnish metal scene the band started to compose songs and rehearse actively in 2006 when drummer Petri Mäkipää (Stillburned) joined them. Next to join the band was Kride Lahti (ex-Lithuria). Kride played lead guitar until the spring of 2008 when he decided to join Finnish trash metal band Dead Shape Figure. Beginning of 2008 brought quite a few changes to the course of Ghoul Patrol. Harberg decided step aside...
Produced and organized by early hip-hop impresarios Arthur Baker and John Robie, Planet Patrol walked an intriguing line between electro and the classic Motown sound. The quintet of vocalists (led by Herb Jackson) only produced one album, but it is one of the few classic LPs of the electro era. .
Jelle Denturck (vocals) Laurens Vansteelandt (guitar) Pieter-Willem Lauwers (guitar) Nils Tijtgat (bass) Floris Kesteloot (drums) .