Clark Sisters | zh

Kelly Clarkson,1982年4月24日出生在美国德克萨斯州的Burleson,在成为歌手之前,Kelly Clarkson最大的愿望是能够成为一名海洋生物学家,Kelly Clarkson唱歌的天赋在她上7年级的时候就被当时学校的合唱队领队所发现,于是Kelly就加入了学校的唱诗班,高中时Kelly把大部分的时光都用在了唱歌上,同时由于在音乐剧《Brigadoon》中的演出,而成为了德克萨斯州立唱诗班中的一员。在之后Kelly遇到了挫折,唱片公司连一张试音唱片都不愿为她出,更不要说签约了。于是Kelly决定去洛杉矶碰碰运气。   在那里,她参加了著名音乐创作人Gerry Goffin的录音工作,但是随后Gerry Goffin的生病,使她再次失去了机会,这还不是最遭的。不久她的房子着了火,而她的汽车也被警局拖走,Kelly的精神和经济都受到了极大的打击。终于,在好友Jessica的鼓励下,Kelly参加了American Idol大赛,2002年9月4日对于她来说是一个值得纪念的日子,Kelly获得了American Idol的冠军,随后她的事业发展顺利,2003年4月15日首张录音室专辑《Thankful》发表,首周即登顶排行榜冠军,并且创下了双白金的销量。 2004年11月30日,Kelly Clarkson的第二张专辑《Breakaway》成功发行。四首单曲Breakaway, Since U Been Gone, Behind These Hazel Eyes, Because of You都在billboard打进了前10名。   2006年,在格莱美上获得Best Female Pop Vocal Performance和Best Pop Vocal Album两个大奖。   2007年6月26日,发行第三章专辑My December,专辑第一主打单曲"Never Again" 打进billboard前10名。   2009年,发行第四张专辑《All I Ever Wanted》。第一主打歌My Life Would Suck Without You创下了billboard单周爬升最快的歌曲,一周内从第97名跃升第1名。专辑首周也在专辑billboard200上名列榜首。 .
Conrad Yeatis "Sonny" Clark (July 21, 1931 – January 13, 1963) was an American jazz pianist who mainly worked in the hard bop idiom. Clark was born and raised in Herminie, Pennsylvania, a coal mining town southeast of Pittsburgh. At age 12, he moved to Pittsburgh. When visiting an aunt in California at age 20, Clark decided to stay and began working with saxophonist Wardell Gray. Clark went to San Francisco with Oscar Pettiford and after a couple months, was working with clarinetist Buddy DeFranco in 1953. Clark toured the U.S. and Europe with DeFranco until January 1956, when he...
During the middle of the 1970s Johnny Clarke stood at a Crossroads of Jamaican music, and was the point about which Reggae music turned during the "Golden Era" of '70s Roots Reggae. Briefly there was no more popular act than he in Jamaica, and this in a country where popularity is exceptionally hard won. He was nominated best vocalist five times in his own country, an indication of the love Jamaicans have for his voice and music. There are many reasons as to why he commands the respect of his countrymen, one is his ability to perform both roots Reggae...
Scissor Sisters 中译“剪刀姐妹”,名子与实际大相径庭,成员大部分是男的。这个乐队来自纽约。Scissor Sisters 彻底复古70年代DISCO,以迷幻摇滚,放克摇滚与迪斯科元素,配上假声唱法,玩弄性别打扮风靡英国。他们所有的歌曲几乎都是中快节奏,可以让人跟随起舞。 Scissor Sisters (剪刀姐妹乐队) 成立于2001年,5名热爱音乐的年轻人对60年代的摇滚乐和70年代的DISCO音乐情有独钟,因此他们创作的歌曲多为较为传统的中快节奏、舞曲风格加上假声唱法,充满浓浓的怀旧情结,让听歌的人随时想翩翩起舞。直到2004年,他们才被英国的唱片公司选中发行首张唱片《The Scissor Sisters》,英国本土销量达到了230万张。 2006年9月,乐队返回美国发行第二张唱片《Ta-dah》,作为一支在外国成名的美国本土乐队,歌迷对《Ta-dah》的发行充满了期待,众多音评杂志也多为赞誉之辞。唱片依旧是带有一点复古情结的舞曲风格,同时又糅合了“芳克”摇滚、迷幻摇滚的元素。 .
The Pointer Sisters is an American vocal group originally of four sisters out of the West Oakland Church of God where their father was a preacher. Under management & production of David Rubinson & later Richard Perry, the sisters became a hugely successful act throughout the '70s & '80s, creating a two-and-a-half decades long career. Amongst the many hit tracks included "Jump (For My Love)", "He's So Shy", "Happiness", "Fairytale" and "Neutron Dance". They had many record labels starting with their first failed single on Atlantic on through to long periods with Blue Thumb, Planet, RCA, and later Motown and...