Le Reno Amps | zh

队员组建自 3/8/2008 VAMPS取自妖艳的女人和吸血鬼的缩写,Hyde很早以前就很喜欢这个单词了,认为很有冲击感,但很多Fans将其称之为荡妇团 成员:Hdye & K.A.Z HYDE(Vo&G) L’Arc~en~Ciel主唱。2001个人SOLO出道。 2005年,他为电影"NANA"做的主题曲 《Glamorous Sky》,引起了不少媒体的关注, 他的第6张单曲《COUNTDOWN》以及第7张单曲《SEASON’S CALL》销售双突破。2006年4月,继以发表他的第三张辑《FAITH》,并开展了 “HYDE TOUR 2006 FAITH”全国巡回 ,售票被抢购一空。同年,他在美国西岸地区举办了4场LIVE(每场容纳2000人) ,售票同样大卖。 K.A.Z(G) K.A.Z的乐队"Oblivion Dust" 建立于1996年,97年初次亮相。他是著名的吉他手和作曲家。先后加入过 “hide with Spread Beaver”(G)和“Spin Aqua”,与土屋安娜同属,后开始与HYDE合作撰写以及制作歌曲。在 HYDE第三张专辑《FAITH》中,收录了KAZ所写的五首歌曲,包括大热的单曲《SEASON’S CALL》,也与HYDE一同制作了所有歌曲。目前,他仍积极与着自己的乐队和其他各项活动。 .
The Vamps is the name of more than one artist 1) Pop band from Birmingham, UK 2) The Vamps were a rock band from Crystal Lake, Illinois. They formed after the breakup of Frank and Spike’s old band, Society’s Anxiety. They only ever released one album, 1920, which contains much of their early work. The band officially broke up in 2007 after one last show at the Clearwater Theatre. 3) The Vamps were a disco outfit from Brazil. They released the album “Disco Blood” in 1977 on Building Records. 1) The Vamps are an English pop band who formed in...
There are several artists named 'Champs' ; 1) Champs are Michael and David Champion, two brothers from the Isle of Wight's Victorian seaside retreat of Ventnor. Their debut album, Down Like Gold, was recorded at Studio Humbug, an old water tower inside the walls of Osborne House, Queen Victoria's retreat on the north of island. Designed by Prince Albert in 1845, the building has a large top floor that now houses a studio and above it all sits a glorious metal roof that acts as a natural echo chamber - a utility this band really made the most of. http://www.champschampschamps.com/...
The Stamps, at least a band who go by the name, are a sickeningly twee outfit from Scotland. Like tartan knee high socks. Once The Stamps leaves university, they may write more songs. WHO CAN TELL The Stamps are also a rock band from Ashland, Oregon, started in 2009 performing Rock/Punk/Americana and recently released "Jackson County Fair" their debut album. .
Dead Amps create an imagery-inducing fusion of electronic pop, post-rock and a hint of experimentalism in their music. Jonathan & Erin Payne formed Dead Amps in 2007, releasing the four-song Ascension EP, in January 2008. The duo’s full-length CD, Reloader, debuted August 5. After a handful of singles during 2010, the year 2011 saw the release of Blades EP, plus an assortment of remixes. In 2012, Dead Amps released Cacophony Spectre EP and their 2nd full-length, Satellite Country Ghosts . Singles and remixes slated for the duration of 2012 and into 2013. Winner, “Best Electronic Rock” at 2008 Orange County...