Fimbul | zh

Fimbulwinter is an early Norwegian black metal band from Oslo, Norway which formed in 1992 and broke up in 1994 after the release of their one and only album. Shagrath later went on to the now so famous Dimmu Borgir. ``Fimbul Winter`` is in Norse mythology the first part of Ragnarok - the Mighty Winter takes over the earth and then begins the final battle between men, and gods. Skoll - Bass (ex-Ulver, ex-Ved Buens Ende, ex-Arcturus (Nor)) Shagrath (Stian Thoresen) - Lead Guitars, Drums (Dimmu Borgir, Starkness, ex-Ragnarok (Nor), Chrome Division) Necronos - Vocals, Rhythm Guitars Black metal band...
Fimbultyr, the band Formed in October 2005 by Niclas Boman and Oskari Katainen, Fimbultyr started out without a name for the band and it contained only Niclas, Oskari and Jonas Arnberg on drums. The idea was to play some sort of melodic metal. They recruited Christofer Bergqvist on bass and vocals to fill those spots. After recruiting Christofer the name Fimbultyr was taken. Ideas were flowing and the songwriting was going good for the guys but they felt something was missing, something that would later turn out to be a big part of their music, namely a keyboard player. To...
Fimbulvet is a pagan black metal band from Schmalkalden, Thuringia, Germany formed in 2003. Lyrical themes include nature, battles and heathenism. Current Members Stephan - Guitar, Vocals Steffen Mehlhorn - Bass Andreas Walter - Drums Christian Fröhlich - Guitar .
FIMBUL (NO). In essence the entity known as Fimbul formed in Norway during the winter of 1994 by creator Ramn. Ramn, who was previously in the band Eclipse, wanted to make a project that was more to his own style, playing all instruments by himself. Fimbul released two demos in 1995, "Vinterland" and "Det Siste Slaget", which can be described as Grim, Atmospheric Dark Metal Symphonies. Twelve years later "Vinterland", and "Det Siste Slaget" have been combined on CD, called "Ramnens Ferd", the first time this material was available on CD format. .
找到了 63 歌曲, 持续时间: 07:11:26
Doedsmarsj (Det Siste Slaget 1995 Demo)
Vinterland (Vinterland 1995 Demo)
Fimbul Winter
Ramnens Ferd
1994 The Arrival of the Fimbul Winter (Demo)
Det siste slaget (Full Demo)
I De Norske Skoger
Fimm þrír Sex Fimbul Dauði
Fimbul Winter
Fimbul Winter
Fimbul Winter
1 Hour Mixed Viking Music (2019)
The Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter
Ramnens Ferd (Det Siste Slaget 1995 Demo)
Storm Of Fimbul
Fimbul Winter
Det Siste Slaget (Det Siste Slaget 1995 Demo)
Stillhet... Noreg
Fimbul Winter
Nattevandring (Vinterland 1995 Demo)
I De Norske Skoger (Vinterland 1995 Demo)
The Fimbul Winter
Fimbul Vetur Er Ao Koma
Fimm þrír Sex Fimbul Dauði
Treason Of The Fimbul Winter
Det Siste Slaget
Fimbul - Det Siste Slaget (Ramnens Ferd)
Fimbul Naht
Storm Of Fimbul
Stillhet...Norge (Vinterland 1995 Demo)
Hebet Humpen, oeffnet Fass
Ragnarok Part I - Fimbul Winter
Fimbul Winter
Without Fear (Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter Demo)
Storm Of Fimbul
The Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter (Demo)
Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter
C3 Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter
Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter
Fimbul Vetur Er Að Koma