Brain Police | zh

"警察"乐队 - The Police 从70年代到80年代,在日益喧嚣的欧美流行乐坛上,"警察"乐队以其讲究旋律的慢摇滚风格,异军突起, 受到全球乐迷们的拥戴。而作为这支著名摇滚乐队的首脑人物,斯汀(Sting)则被誉为"警察的灵魂"。 " 警察"乐队被看作是一支英国乐队,主要是因为乐队的台柱斯汀(Sting)是一个英国人。斯汀上大学和朋友组织了一个爵士乐组合,常在公共酒馆演出。事有凑巧,另两个年轻的流行乐手科浦兰(Copeland)和帕多瓦尼(Padovani)不满于自己的乐队组合,正在到处寻找着合作者,他们一眼就看出,酒巴中听众的热情是冲着斯汀来的。尽管斯汀一开始对他们的建议不甚热心,因为他一心要在爵士乐方面出人头地,但是最终还是被说动,一个艺人乐队诞生了。为了给科浦兰在美国任高官的父亲开个玩笑,他们取了"警察"这个名字。 1976年他们靠借贷出了第一张唱片,居然累计卖了一万多张。帕多瓦尼改换门庭后,乐队请来了老资格的吉它手安迪.萨默斯。 1979年,专辑《Regatta de Blanc》出版,单曲Message in a Bottle(瓶中信)成为英国排行榜冠军,这首歌确立了乐队在英国及欧洲的明星地位。 1980 年秋,《Zenyatta Mondatta》出版,这张专辑给乐队在北美地区带来了突破。在美、加两地都进入了排行榜前10位。在英国,专辑在排行榜冠军位置停留长达4周之久。单曲"别站得离我这么近"成为英国排行榜冠军歌曲,在美国也进入了排行榜前10位。随后的电影音乐专辑"机器失灵"出版后即成为热门唱片,获得英国榜冠军和美国榜亚军。 在1980-1981年乐队旋风般地获得巨大成功后,他们获得了不列颠音乐大奖的最佳英国组合奖和3项格莱美奖。 1983 年"警察"乐队复出,两首最热门的单曲《你的每一次呼吸》(Every Breathe You Take)和《绕在你的手指上》(Wrapped Around Your Finger)畅销不衰,是音乐界罕见的盛况,《Every Breathe You Take》令他们再度获得葛莱美奖。 1986年,"警察"为大赦国际义演三场,按照斯汀的说法,他们用这种有意义的形式,向大家告别了! 作为最成功的 Reggae乐队,他们成立8年共创下5首英国No.1金曲,身后更留下无数赞誉和崇拜。 .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1. A power metal band from Germany 2. A rock band from Latvia 3. An experimental pop band from Oregon, United States 4. A funk band from Michigan, United States 5. A jazz rock band from Germany 6. An alias of electronic musician Moby 7. A doom metal band from Ukraine 8. A rapper from Washington, United States from the group Dyme Def 9. A hardcore band from Salt Lake City, United States 10. A death metal band from Bulgaria 11. Punk band from Belgrade, Serbia --- 1) BrainStorm is a...
There are two artists represented by this name: 1)Sunbrain (japan) is J-pop Duo. consisted of Minami Yasuhiro(microman),Maruya Manabu. They form 2004. Debut [emotion] in 2005. It Was Used Japanimation [Beet The Vandal Buster] for Opening Theme. They Release [wish men], for same animation 2th Opening Theme. 2)Sunbrain was a rock band formed in Clemson, South Carolina in 1990. Sunbrain consisted of David Dondero on lead vocals and guitars, Steve Glickman on drums, Russ Hallauer (who founded Ghostmeat Records) on guitar, and Eric Nail on bass. Sunbrain broke up in 1996 after their fourth release, Liquid. .
There are more bands with the name "Karma Police" 1) Karma Police is a Radiohead tribute band from Nijmegen. find more on there website: Karma police consists of the following bandmembers: Jos Lauran, Michiel Diepenhorst, Vincent de Waal, Collin Burgemeestre and Rob van Loon. 2) Karma Police was created because of a passion for the music of Radiohead and an equal passion to recreate the sound and even more important, the feeling of their music. 3) Karma Police ambient and alternative electronica: Official Site: Soundclick: The music of Karma Police is forged by a motivation to make...
找到了 180 歌曲, 持续时间: 17:16:46
Brain police
Jacuzzi Suzy
Mystic Lover
Rooster Booster
The Journey Is the Destination
Johnny Babas
Iron Fist
Beyond the Wasteland
The Journey Is The Destionation
Free Lovin' Temptress
Womble Dust
El Duderino
Undercover Through Your Mother
Gotta Love It
El Canpitaine (Raspberry Jam)
Sweet Side Of Evil
Black Tulip
Smoking At Windsor Hill
Sweet Side of Evil
My World In Wax
There Are The Words
頭脳警察 3
Fire In The Brain
Jacuzzi Suzy
Erection Boogie
Black Tulip
Human Volume
Election For Mayor/Ride My Train Of Love
Jacuzzi Suzy
The Journey Is The Destionations
The Baron
Mushcream Caravan
Love Mutha
Rocket Fuel
Sweet Side Of Evil
World of Wax
Mushcream Caravan [OST Pepping!]
Cheap Lovin'
Hot Chicks & Hell Queens
Return Of The Lovechopper Of Destiny