Ankor | zh

Ankor is a Spanish metal band formed by David Romeu, Expo and Rubio in 2003. Rosa de la Cruz joined the band in 2006, completing the vocals. No More Pain, their first EP, was succeeded by the full-length 2008 release, Finally Rest, making Ankor one of the younger bands with national distribution, with an average member age of 19 years. They are now working on their second album. .
Merankorii was born in the beginning of 2004 in Portugal as a side project of Mind Booster Noori, a tentative form of cultural art with a melancholic and depressive touch of a reality injection to a body who had no more hope of living. It soon evolved into what could have become quite a schizophrenic movie but, instead, turned into "Doom Poetry from a Melancholic Soul". Selected discography: * O Monólogo do Mudo - 2005 * Melencolia III - 2007 * A Viagem - 2008 * Leroi (single) - 2009 * Rather Than Bored - 2011 * Alain - 2011...