Grove | zh

There are at least 3 artists named Grover: 1. Sesame Street, New York City, New York (1967 - present) Originally played by Frank Oz and now portrayed by Eric Jacobson Grover is a valiant, caring blue monster who is chock-full of childlike exuberance. The boisterous little monster often gets himself into pickles by rushing into situations without weighing the consequences. Excitable Grover loves to explain new concepts, though he sometimes has a tough time expressing his thoughts clearly. Opposites are a particularly difficult idea for him to explain, but he always manages to get his point across in the end,...
米兰达·卡斯格拉夫(英文:MirandaCosgrove,1993年5月14日-)。   她以杰克·布莱克主演的摇滚教室、以及尼克国际儿童频道播出的电视系列   剧:Drake and Josh里饰演主角Drake的妹妹──MeganParker和由她主演的   情景喜剧──iCarly知名。她在2001年便开始了她的演艺事业,在一间名   为"Taste of LA"、里唱歌和跳舞,因而给一位经理人留下深刻的印象,并   与她签约。  【个人资料】   全名:Miranda Taylor Cosgrove   中文名:米兰达·卡斯格拉夫   性别:女   出生日期:1993年 5月14日   国籍:美国   出生地:美国洛杉矶市   职业:歌手,演员   音乐类型:流行,流行舞曲   活跃年代:2001——现在   唱片公司:哥伦比亚唱片   星座: 金牛座   最喜爱的颜色:紫色   最喜欢的食物:杯型蛋糕   最喜爱的歌手:Gwen Stefani, Avril Lavigne   最喜欢的乐队:Paramore   最喜爱的女演员:Rachel Mcadams , Anne Hathaway   最喜爱的男演员:Shia LaBeouf   最喜爱做的事情:唱歌,弹奏吉他   (备注:miranda有意大利人和菲律宾人的血统) 【个人简介】   在处女作《摇滚校园》中出演超有魄力和经济头脑的小大人Summer一角而给观众留下深刻印象的米兰达·卡斯格拉夫目前已经是全美炙手可热的新生代童星,其表演和歌唱实力都不同小视。1993年出生在美国洛衫机,三岁的米兰达在当地名为“洛城之味”的餐馆里表演唱歌跳舞时便被经纪人慧眼发掘,最先是一则麦当劳的广告请进了镜头,02年经过激烈竞争得到了和杰克·布莱克一起出演叫好又叫做《摇滚校园》的机会,紧接着她又在当红儿童喜剧《德雷克和乔西》中扮演了德雷克古灵惊怪的小妹,并出现在了这部剧集的两部电影版当中。2005年,福克斯家庭喜剧片《新欢乐满堂》中米兰达·卡斯格拉夫同样扮演了“德雷克”(德雷克·贝尔)的妹妹。除此之外,她还客串过《Grounded forLife》、《All That》、《Zoey 101》、《Just Jordan》以及《Unfabulous》等热门儿童电视剧。   《德雷克和乔西》落下帷幕不久后,米兰达·卡斯格拉夫便开始主演属于自己的儿童喜剧《iCarly》,她的角色CarlyShay是一位拥有着一台网络节目的13岁小女孩,继承了她一贯聪明而又冷静的银幕形象。本剧也是《阿曼达秀》、《德雷克和乔西》等成功儿童剧的幕后推手丹·施纳德的最新力作,开始转向大银幕发展的“老哥”德雷克·贝尔也前来助米兰达一臂之力,与她合唱了《iCarly》的主题曲。 .
Akari Groves is a pseudonym of Akari Kaida (海田明里). .
John Groves, American didgeridoo musician, teacher and seller. Resides in the Seattle, Washington area and is active as a teacher, performer and seller of didgeridoos at JGMP Didgeridoo Gallery in Auburn, Washington, USA. He has performed private functions and public events such as the Bank of America Down Under Tour, National Music Museum and many other appearances. Mr. Groves is available for private lessons, workshops and performances. John earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from Central Washington University with studies in trombone performance and music education. Mr. Groves didgeridoo music studies have included time spent in North East...
Apes in the Orange Grove are: Gijs van Osch: Vocals/Guitar Joep van Osch: Drums / Percussion / Melodica / Backing Vocals Don Gerritsen: Bass / Backing Vocals For years brothers Gijs and Joep have been working on their indie chansons, slowly creating a signature sound of catchy melodies, danceable rhythms and melancholic lyrics. Typical for Apes in the Orange Grove's music is the simple directness of the songs, the brothers' harmonious voices, and the use of melodica and exotic percussion instruments. In early 2008 funky bass player Don joined the band, and from then on the Apes started playing live...