Gabriel Yafet | zh

Juan Gabriel (Alberto Aguilera Valadez, January 7, 1950 – August 28, 2016) was a Mexican singer and songwriter. Also called El Divo de Juárez, Gabriel was known for his flamboyant style and broke barriers within the Latin music market. With sales of more than 100 million albums, Gabriel was Mexico's top selling artist. Gabriel's album, Recuerdos, Vol. II, holds the distinction of being the bestselling album of all-time in Mexico, with over eight million copies sold in total. During his career he wrote around 1,800 songs. On August 28, 2016, Gabriel died from a heart attack in Santa Monica, California,...
Ana Gabriel,父亲是墨西哥人而母亲则有着日本血统,Ana Gabriel在她十多岁的时候到提华纳(墨西哥西北部城市)学习会计并且开始了一个音乐人的生涯。Gabriel在1984年的青少年歌手大奖赛中获得第二名而被大众所关注并在两年后赢得墨西哥OTI歌手大奖赛。从那以后,Ana Gabriel出版发行了差不多20张的个人专辑,风格涵盖浪漫民谣、墨西哥流浪者之歌、波利乐舞曲甚至兰巴达舞曲,在世界范围内有着为数众多的热心听众。这张唱片是Ana Gabriel的个人第18张专辑。歌声响起,浓郁的拉丁风情扑面而来,瞬间,使你的身心沉醉在自由狂放的旋律与沙哑而极具沧桑感的嗓音之中,仿佛连周围的空气、阳光都散发着墨西哥文化特有的忧郁气质与浪漫芬芳。 .
英国民谣女歌手,出身在巴斯,萨默塞特郡。几年前在Youtube上传了多个翻唱的视频(用户名Gaberrz)。后来受到Parlophone的赏识,与其签约。之后录制了她的首张专辑 English Rain。2012年12月9日翻唱歌曲 the power of love在英国单曲排行榜排名第一。近期发出的专辑English Rain在英国和苏格兰排第二,在爱尔兰位居11. .
Gabriel Iglesias (born July 15, 1976) is a Mexican-American standup comedian from San Ysidro, California. He is best known for making fun of his obesity and his ability for impressions. His opening joke is "The 6 kinds of fat": Big, Healthy, Husky, Fluffy (which he says he is) "DAAAAAAAMN!", and "OH HELL NAH"!!!! He has made several guest appearances on such television shows as The Tonight Show, My Wife and Kids and in his own half hour special on Comedy Central. He was so popular that they allowed him another special, this time a 1 and 1/2 hour movie, titled...
 彼得盖布瑞尔(Peter Gabriel)生于1950年2月13日,出生地是英国伦敦,他是个音乐鬼才,不但是乐团主唱,而键盘、敲击乐、直笛、以及合成乐器都是拿手绝活。Peter Gabriel是1970年代红极一时的摇滚乐团「创世纪」(Genesis)的团长,鼎鼎大名的摇滚乐巨星Phil Collins则是乐团的鼓手。就摇滚乐的领域而言,创世纪乐团让所谓的「激进摇滚乐」(Progressive Rock)成为更华丽、更具戏剧性的乐风。   在当代的摇滚音乐史上,Peter Gabriel可说是一位极为特立独行的艺人,他从早期的非主流前卫曲风,发展到後来成为一位流行音乐巨星,最後更成为一位世界音乐的爱好者,其创作历程的变迁与发展可说是精彩纷呈。 .