Carl Klang | zh

Before he graduated from Jorge Tadeo Lozano's University with a publicist degree, singer/songwriter Carlos Vives joined different bands and participated in several plays. In 1982, the artist got a role in the Colombian TV series Tiempo Sin Huella, starting his successful acting career, later extending his professional skills to the Puerto Rican television. After participating in some teen programs as a singer/actor, he got the main role in the telenovela (soap opera) "Gallito Ramírez," which made him a famous actor. Later, another telenovela, "Escalona" made him return to his "costeño" roots (he was born in Santa Marta, the same town...
Carla Morrison is a Mexican singer who lives in Baja California Mexico, whose business is to create music with pedals with clips and loops, along with her keyboard and electroacoustic guitar effects, based on their songs build with layers live music second to third and quarters voices of herself ... In their sound you can feel the melancholy and the feeling of a very innovative proposal and avant-garde, as entertaining as it gives a lot chipazos melody and happiness .. In early 2006 Carla begins to interact with various rock cover bands in Spanish, at the end after six months...
Roberto Carlos (born April 19, 1943 in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Espírito Santo, Brazil) initiated a major revolution of customs in Brazil in the '60s. Reaching success in a period coinciding with the youth movement started by the The Beatles that was taking over the world, Carlos was the leader of Jovem Guarda ("Young Guard") . He led the TV show that became a generic denomination of a musical style and what was a definitive change of face to the Brazilian phonographic market and of the very art of marketing itself (with the advent of an aggressive merchandising of the JG's...
Like so many other Los Angeles studio musicians, guitarist and composer Larry Carlton was faced with a choice a number of years back: whether to go solo and develop a name for himself under his own name or to continue the less risky, more lucrative existence as a session guitarist, making good money and recording with prominent musicians. Fortunately for fans of this eclectic guitarist, he chose the former, and has recorded under his own name for Warner Bros., MCA Records and GRP Records since 1978. Carlton's studio credits from the 1970s and early '80s include musicians and groups like...
Carly Rae Jepsen是一位来自加拿大的女歌手。2007年夏天,22岁的Carly Rae Jepsen参加了加拿大当地的“Canadian Idol”选秀节目。表现突出的她获得了第3名,虽说最后没有如愿夺下后冠,不过声音甜美.却不失个人风格的Carly Rae Jepsen也很快的发行的个人的首张专辑《Tug Of War》,曲风大多活泼律动或是温润清新,而且几乎首首动听. Carly Rae Jepsen略带鼻音的声线,甜美不带做作,搭配简单上口的旋律,复古俏皮的编曲,就这样自在地,自由地哼唱着.如同秋日洒下的点点暖阳,亦像一道贴心的午后甜点,轻易唤起你心底里最柔软的那寸美好时光.实在让人惊喜。Carly Rae Jepsen有自己独有的风格,有自己味道,专辑中的歌曲非常的顺畅,都带着该歌手那种女孩的爱情世界观,显示出Carly Rae Jepsen的细腻.第一首Bucket曲风活泼,旋律很灵动,很喜欢被这个动听的声音唤醒,甜淡、清爽的感觉...   2011年9月20日,Carly Rae Jepsen发行了自己的新单曲Call Me Maybe。轻快俏皮的节奏,亮点无限的MV,很快便在各大视频网站蹿红。2012年2月,在上榜15周后(Billboard Canadian Hot 100),Carly终于迎来了个人的第一首冠单! .