Fort Romeau | zh

Mezzoforte are an Icelandic Jazz-Funk Fusion ensemble. They shot to the world's attention in 1983 with Garden Party from the Surprise Surprise LP. They are still performing in 2004 with the original lineup. The band members are: Eythor Gunnarsson - Keyboards Fridrik Karlsson - Guitars Gunnlaugur Briem - Drums Johann Asmundsson - Bass Kristinn Svavarsson - Saxophones They awoke many musicians, as well as united them in the lyrics from Garden Party that evoked images of the iconic demise of The Beatles and included bold, yet humorous sarcastic references to differentials in time/space to polarites such as Rick Nelson and...
There is a number of artists with the name Fortuna: 1) A Jewish-Brazilian singer and composer, Fortuna has a solid background in music, dance and theatrical arts. For several years she performed with different artists in Brazil and abroad, singing Brazilian popular music. A gifted composer, she created a whole repertoire of songs with poet Paulo Leminski. It was during a tour in Israel in 1991 that she heard Sephardic music for the first time. This fortunate encounter would be a turning point in her life. "It a was a magic moment’", she says. "I felt all the beauty, sweetness...
身为联合公园(Linkin Park)首脑及主唱之一的麦克(MC Mike Shinoda),化身为黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor简称为FM),推出全新首张革命大碟『The Rising Tied』。随着专辑的的发行,首打单曲「Believe Me」吸引着许多Mike迷的眼球。 当黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor简称为FM)专辑发行的消息一曝光时,在联合公园的歌迷群里,就开始热烈地讨论,联合公园是不是要解散了。于是所有LP的信徒们,都在各大联合公园的家族网站、部落格、及留言板上,热烈地讨论着。而这波雪球般越滚越大的传言,也传到了联合公园团员的耳里,听到这个传言的团员们,很感动的表示谢谢这些歌迷朋友对他们的支持及喜爱。随即共同公开一份声明稿表示,联合公园不会解散,目前也在准备全新的专辑,预计在06年的年底带着全新的作品和大家见面。除此之外, LP团员们非常骄傲在麦克的带领下,能够让黑暗保垒(Fort Minor简称为FM)这个同属于联合公园家族一分子的新血可以诞生,所有LP的成员将会力支持FM,一起见证黑暗保垒再次为乐坛带来一场新的音乐革命。 .
Esselfortium is the electronic music composer Sarah Mancuso. Her music is often characterized by complex arrangements and emotive melodies, and has incorporated many stylistic influences such as IDM, ambient, rock, and game and anime soundtracks. She experimented with music from a young age, briefly taking instrument lessons before opting for a self-taught approach. In 2003 she began studying electronic music production and adopted the Esselfortium moniker in late 2005. In 2007, two of her songs were featured on the first volume of the electronic music compilation series One on Twoism shortly before the release of her official debut album A...