Love Affair Zone | zh

Sexy Zone is a five-member Japanese boy band managed by Johnny & Associates. Sexy Zone was announced as a group in a press conference in September 29, 2011. Johnny & Associates's CEO Johnny Kitagawa said, "The group name came from Michael Jackson's sexiness". The members were revealed to be Kento Nakajima, Fuma Kikuchi, Shori Sato, Sou Matsushima], and Marius Yo. Kitagawa chose the members considering the "sexiness of men". After the press conference, the members appeared in Teigeki Johnnys Imperial Theatre Special "Kis-My-Ft2 with Johnny's Jr.", and premiered their debut song "Sexy Zone", which was subsequently released on November 16,...
outline of OL----------- Original Love is a Japanese rock band. It started in 1986 as "Red Curtain", a five member band that ended up as an individual (his name is Tajima Takao) also known as OL. in 1988-1990, Tajima Takao worked not only on OL but also with Pizzicato Five. By the 90's OL was categorized as "Shibuya-kei", influencing many of the artists to follow. Most representative songs----------- Tuki no Ura de Aimasyou(1991) Asahi no Ataru Michi(1994) Primal(1996) Mekureta Orange(2001) (in this song, he joins to Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra as a vocal, and viceversa.) .
曾经制作南方之星,Mr.Children等天王级乐团的制作人小林武史,为了扩展自我创作音乐的版图,而找来主唱akko组成My Little Lover。 1995年以单曲 [Man&Woman/My Painting] 正式出道。3rd Single [Hello,Again] 早已存在的场所?」、1st Album「evergreen」皆创下百万的销售佳绩,而直至现在他们的音乐性仍然获得广大大众的喜爱。 从专辑 [evergreen] 开始,原以作曲者和制作人身份参加的小林武史,也加入成为My Little Lover的成员。以「ALICE」「Private eyes」等实验性的乐曲,或是 [NOW AND THEN] 般再次组合的原创音乐等,展开更多采多姿的音乐性。 2002年开始My Little Lover的音乐可说是更上了一层全新的境界,除了「融合」原音乐器与电子编曲的「两面性」,再加入现在流行音乐的要素越渐蜕变。 2003年完成全国巡回演唱会,也成为往后活动的一大分歧点。2004年迎接出道10周年,同年4月发行纪念单曲「风与天空的绒毯」与十周年纪念专辑「Self Collection?15currents?」。 2006年选择日本艾回音乐作为全新的出发,开发主唱akko的更多可能性,以个人活动作为My Little Lover在流行音乐界内挑战全新的里程碑。 .
from Moldova(摩尔多瓦,前苏联加盟共和国,邻ROMANIA),成员三人:Dan Balan,Arsenie Toderas,Radu Sirbu,70s底80s初生。02年在ROMANIA一举成名。 其轻舞曲Dragostea Din Tei(罗马尼亚语:椴树下的爱)风靡欧洲,横扫欧洲多国单曲金榜,目前在BBC排第8 2005年1月,Dan、Arsenie和Radu宣布O-Zone解散,他们决定专注于各自的独立事业。此后,Dan在美国和他的乐队“Balan”做摇滚乐,Arsenie转向德国并改名为Arsenium,而Radu同样开始他个人的职业生涯。 .
There are at least three artists with the name I Love You 1) I Love You was a band that formed in Hollywood, CA in 1988 from the ashes of Florida punk-metal gods, Sinful Pigeons. Original members were Jeff Nolan, Chris Palmer, Aaron Rubin, and Elliott Crawford. After recording a version of Elvis' "Burnin' Love" for the SST compilation The Melting Plot, Phil Newman of Painted Willie and Sin 34 fame joined the band as bass player. That lineup performed many Hollywood/Los Angeles shows and completed two U.S. tours. Hollywood stomping grounds in the early days were Raji's, The Anti-Club,...
找到了 10 歌曲, 持续时间: 47:50
Big Love (Saxophone)
Love Notes to Him
Purple Zone - Hercules & Love Affair Remix
Romantic Sweetness
My Offence (David Morales Epic Red Zone Mix)
Like a Johnny
City Street Life
Give Me All Your Love (R.A.F. Zone Mix)
Purple Zone (Hercules & Love Affair Remix)