The Rockin Berries | zh

The Cranberries(“卡百利”乐队, 也有译作“小红莓”乐队)是一个来自爱尔兰(爱尔兰是英语为主要语言的欧洲音乐重镇)的知名摇滚乐队,与 U2、Sinead O’Connor、Enya 等一样, 都是带领爱尔兰音乐走向世界的重要力量. 在卡百利乐队成立以前, 三个主要成员 Noel, Mike 和 Fergal 在一个名为“The Cranberry Saw Us”的乐队中干了大约半年. 后来, 这个乐队的主唱 Nial 因为个人的原因, 决定退出, 为了不影响乐队的正常发展, 他把他的一个好朋友推荐给了乐队, 这个人后来成了卡百利乐队最重要的人物, 她就是Dolores(德洛丽丝), 全名为Dolores Mary Eileen O'Riordan(德洛丽丝 玛丽 艾琳 奥里奥丹), 在嫁给巡回演出经纪人 Don Burton 后, 改名为 Dolores Mary O'Riordan Burton(德洛丽丝 玛丽 奥里奥丹 波顿).TheCranberries受到人们喜爱与女主音Dolores是分不开的. 她出身于一个天主教家庭,三岁起就开始唱歌, 因此练就了一副天使般的嗓音 , 尤其是她独特的咽音发声, 更是受到后来一些女歌手的相继模仿(比如王菲). 十几岁的时候, 她已开始弹钢琴并且自己作曲, 另外也有了组建乐队的一些想法. 上帝的安排, 使 Dolores 与这帮急于找到一个新搭档的家伙们走到了一起. 她一流的演唱水平很快就得到了另外三人的认同. 为了有个新的开始, 他(她)们一起组建了新的乐队, 取名就叫 The Cranberries, 时间是在 1990年 5月. 1993年2月22日, The Cranberries的首张专辑《Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?》(《每个人都可以做, 我们又有什么不可以?》)问世, 随即获得了巨大的成功, 并为他(她)们赢得了世界性的荣誉. 这张专辑在Billboard专辑榜停留达两年之久, 至今销量已超过 700 万张,在中国也有双白金销量。《Dreams》高亢的回复音色,发出 Dolores 自信的宣告,神话色彩的 MTV 里她浅吟低唱,和弦节奏密实紧凑,清爽干净。这首单曲后来曾被王菲翻唱成《梦中人》。 1994年 9月 27日, 他(她)们又发行了第二张专辑《No Need To Argue》(《勿需争辩》), 大获成功, 一年内即热卖一千两百万张。乐队也跻身世界一流乐队的行列. 1995年 11 月...
Self-described as a "pan-bay songcraft collective on the path to the door to the path", this San Francisco-area band features Mateo Jaffe, Lewis Ames, Al Wollmer, James "Jim" Devera, and Dmitri Seals, with guests including Ethan Lee. Eclectic instrumentation blending traditional singer-songwriter folk music, free-form impressionist improvisation, and experimental noise can be found at the band's website or myspace page. .
The Rocking Horse Winner was an indie band from Florida. They were made up from members of As Friends Rust, and Jolie Lindholm, who has been featured on most of the Dashboard Confessional albums. Henry Olmino, Jeronimo Gomez and Mathew Crum had played together in As Friends Rust for the first demo. The band soon broke up, and they moved on to Red Letter Day in which they oriented towards the indie rock sound. After some years of playing together, the band recruited Jolie Lindholm from their college, and called themselves "The Rocking Horse Winner" after a short story by...
The Huckleberries began life in 1996 as a busking duo on the streets of Bournemouth, and has now grown to a six piece band that comprises 5-string Banjo/Mandolin, Mandola, Fiddle, Guitar, Harmonica, Electric Bass and Drums.The band gather their musical influences from traditional folk, bluegrass, latin, eastern and celtic music and combine this with global dance rhythms and good time stomps! which is proving to have a wide appeal in all sections of the music loving public. In the last few years they have performed at a wide range of festivals and venues around the country which include Glastonbury Festival,...