Zombies Ate My Neighbors (JMcDermott, ESwanson) | zh

Neighbors lives in Seattle, WA. Neighbors released their EP 'Finalist' on March 1, 2010. Finalist was followed by 'Puros Exitos', released the following year. Neighbors is also an indie rock group from Brooklyn. Recently released August EP can be thought of as a musical companion to Neighbors‘ previous Hooligans EP which was released on Paper Brigade June of 2010. Recorded on the heels of the Hooligans sessions, the August EP builds on the melodic hooks and lush, layered production that is Neighbors‘ stock and trade. There's also an American rock band NGHBRS, from Long Island, NY. RIYL: Rx Bandits, Foo...
Zombies (sometimes styles Los Zombies) were a Spanish pop group in the early '80s. The group was founded in 1979 by Bernardo Bonezzi (Madrid, 1964-2012 ), who even before the age of fourteen had led a band called Morbus Acre and formed part of the seminal group of the Madrid scene Kaka de Luxe. The Zombies pooled influences of glam rock (Lou Reed, David Bowie, Brian Eno ) and new wave (Talking Heads, B- 52's ). They signed to RCA , who released the group's first single, the catchy "Groenland", a song that still remains among the best-known Spanish pop...
虽然The Zombies这个乐队并不怎么出名,但在British Invasion时期,他们也曾经红过一阵,在这张专辑之前已经发行过四张专辑,其中有不少上榜的流行单曲,第一张专辑里就有乐队赖以成名的流行经典She's Not There。虽然Odessey And Oracle这张专辑是乐队唯一入选滚石500佳唱片的专辑,也是乐队在All Music上唯一得到五星评荐的专辑,但是乐队的其他三张专辑也都有四星的评价,并不是“好不容易出了一张像样的专辑就马上散伙了”。事实上,在这张专辑发行之前,乐队已经解散了。虽然乐队解散的确是有商业上不够成功的原因,但不是由于乐队的音乐不好,而是因为当时Beatles的风头太盛,不光是The Zombies,其他几支风格近似的英伦摇滚乐队例如The Kinks等也都被压得喘不过气来。 .
There are 3 bands that are known as 1. The Neighbors were an 80s power pop band. 2. The Neighbors were a Hardcore band from San Diego. 3. The Neighbors are a family-based indie-rock band from Orem, Utah. 1. The Neighbors...a band that was shunned by the world. Now let's go back, back in time to the year 1985. There were three men playing together for awhile: John, Scott and Steve in a group called Punch Me Judy. Then a man named Pete joined up for the experience that was to be, in a basement in Arlington, Virginia, just off...
找到了 179 歌曲, 持续时间: 07:07:47
Zombies Ate My Neighbors OST (Sega Genesis Version
Zombies Ate My Neighbors!
Zombies Ate My Neighbor
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Chapter II-Act III-Fajbah
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Redneck Zombies Ate My Neighbors [SOULtion Remix]
Chapter I-Act III-Fuck Slut Rock
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
No Assembly Required (Zombies Ate My Neighbors)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
La Noche de los Muertos [Zombies Ate My Neighbors]
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Chapter I-Act II-Jazzy Ditty
Schoolboy - Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors [DUBSTEP]
Zombies ate my Neighbors
zombies ate my neighbors
zombies ate my neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Mars Needs Cheerleaders (Zombies Ate My Neighbors)
Tu Nalga Huele a Cadaver
No Assembly Required
Zombies Ate My Neighbors Medley
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Boss Battle [Zombies Ate My Neighbors, 1993]
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Evening of the Undead (Zombies Ate My Neighbors)
Boss Battle (Zombies Ate My Neighbors)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Mars Needs Cheerleaders
Weird Kids on the Block (Zombies Ate My Neighbors)