Lionel Richie The Commodores | zh

莱昂纳尔·里奇(Lionel Richie),1949年6月20日出生在亚拉巴马州的Tuskegee, 他可谓是80年代美国摇滚乐坛最耀眼的歌星之一。Richie是在Tuskegee学院的校园里成长起来的,60年代中期,他在那里建立了一支颇为成功的R&B乐队。1968年,他成为Commodores(海军司令合唱团)的主唱手兼萨克斯手,这支由他和自家兄弟合组的乐队在以后的数年里取得了辉煌的成绩。Richie的《Can't Sloro Down》专辑在世界各地的总销售量仅次于 Michael Jackson 的《Thriller》;他担任了 Kenny Regers 最畅销单曲《Laoly》的制作;制作并与 Diana Ross 合唱了畅销单曲《Endless Love》;Richie还是两次奥斯卡电影歌曲得主及誉满全球的歌曲《We Are The World》、《Say you say me》的共同作曲者。众多的音乐奖殊荣以及在音乐排行榜上创下的骄人成绩都证明了Richie不愧为80年代乐坛无可比拟的闪亮巨星。 在Commodores时代,Richie就已是这个组合许多风行一时的佳作的创作者兼演唱者,他尤其擅长一些具有浪漫情调、易于领悟的歌曲,就好像《Easy》、《Three Times A Lady》、《Still》之类的作品。 这些软调歌曲正是Richie的拿手好戏,不论是忧伤感怀的怨调,或是爱味浓郁的情歌,经由这位黑人歌手独特的蓝调处理,听来格外令人心动不已。在为乡村歌手Kenny Rogers制作专辑《Share With You》之后,Richie又将乡村歌曲的精华融入了自己的创作之中,从而使自己的风格得以超越纯灵魂乐的领域。在单曲《All Night Long (All Night)》中更是将灵魂舞曲用强烈的韵律表达出来。而在《Running With The Night》中,Richie更是不断拓展曲风,请当时Toto吉它手演奏带有爵士风格的摇滚吉它间奏,取得了不错的效果。之后,Richie又推出了《Dancing On The Ceiling》,绚烂多姿的包装、 恣情放任的曲调、闻乐起舞的快感,令人仿如置身里约热内卢的嘉年华会中。这位不断突破现状,力求多元新颖风格的成功艺人,永不会自满于岁月的荣耀,他继续着自己作为一个音乐人的不断尝试。 专辑列表 Louder Than Words Back To Front (1992) All Night Long-video (1985) Can't Slow Down Dancing On The Ceiling Lionel Richie Paid Vacation (1994) Anthology (1993) Anthology (1986) We've Got Tonight (1983) Wild Things Run Fast(Geffen)(1982) Wild Things Run Fast(Gold Disc)(1982) Share Your Love (1981) .
Bart was born Lionel Begleiter the youngest of seven surviving children in East London to Galician Jews, and grew up in Stepney. His father worked as a tailor in a garden shed in London E1. The family had escaped the pogroms in Galicia which was then part of the Austrian Empire. Lionel later changed his name to Bart derived from the name of the silk screen printing firm he and John Gorman[1] created ("G & B Arts", for Gorman and Begleiter) after he had completed his National Service with the Royal Air Force. As a young man he was quite...
Lionel Belasco (born 1881; died in New York City, c. June 24, 1967) was a prominent pianist, composer and bandleader, best known for his calypso recordings. According to various sources, he was born either in Barbados or in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago; he grew up in Trinidad, the son of a Afro-Caribbean mother and a Sephardic Jewish father. He traveled widely in the Caribbean and South America in his youth, absorbing a wide variety of musical influences. He was leading his own band by 1902. He made his first phonograph recordings in Trinidad in 1914, and soon after...
找到了 42 歌曲, 持续时间: 03:02:06
Sail On (with The Commodores)
Easy (with the Commodores)
Three Times a Lady (with the Commodores)
Too Hot Ta Trot (The Commodores)
The Commodores - Zoom (unrelea
Still (Commodores)
Brick House (Commodores)*
Sweet Love (with The Commodores)
Brick House - Commodores
Easy (1977, original album version)
Love Canoe
Easy (Commodores/Lionel Richie Cover)
Sing a Simple Song
Jesus Is Love
Baby This Is Forever
Jesus Is Love
Who's Making Love
I Wanna Be Free