DJ Djel | zh

Djeli Moussa Diawara (also known as Jali Musa Jawara) is born in a family of Guinean griots, hereditary caste of musicians. His father was a balafon player, and his mother a singer. His half-brother, they share the same mother, is Mory Kanté. He then became a « jali » or « djeli », mandingo word for griot. He learned to play the Balafon, the Kora and the guitar. In 1983, his first LP, now known as Yasimika, is released in Abidjan. It's still nowadays considered a great piece of African music. His Flamenkora album is published in 1998, offering a...
Djelem is a Gypsy group based in Montréal, Québec, lead by Anatoli Iakovencho, a Ukrainian Gypsy. Djelem 是个由乌克兰吉普赛人Anatoli Iakovencho组建的乐队,以蒙特利尔,魁北克为基。 What differentiate Gypsy musicians from any other musicians is that a Gypsy is at home everywhere they 吉普赛人音乐的独特之处在于他们浪迹天下,是以四海为家之人。 go. And this is exactly the case with Iakovencho. As he says it himself, "Gypsies take the colors of the 当然,Anatoli Iakovencho 最得其中深味。正如他自己所言,“吉普赛人在吸收着新环境的色彩。” new surroundings." In Souvenirs , their second CD, this is what we find. On the one hand, unable to deny 在他们的第二张CD 《Souvenirs 纪念品》,我们可以体会得到。另一方面,无法证实他的乌克兰血统 his Ukrainian roots, his music keeps an East European flavor, but as the same time, you can...
El Hadj Djeli Sory Kouyaté is a renowned balafon player, from Kindia, Guinea. He is a descendent of Bala Fasséké Kouyaté, and was a member of the Djoliba Ballet as well as the National Choral and Instrumental Ensemble. El Hadj Djeli Sory Kouyaté is a master of the balafon, a "resonated frame, wooden keyed percussion idiophone of West Africa; part of the idiophone family of tuned percussion instruments that includes the xylophone, marimba, glockenspiel, and the vibraphone. Sound is produced by striking the tuned keys with two padded sticks." .