Djelem | zh

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Djelem is a Gypsy group based in Montréal, Québec, lead by Anatoli Iakovencho, a Ukrainian Gypsy.
Djelem 是个由乌克兰吉普赛人Anatoli Iakovencho组建的乐队,以蒙特利尔,魁北克为基。
What differentiate Gypsy musicians from any other musicians is that a Gypsy is at home everywhere they
go. And this is exactly the case with Iakovencho. As he says it himself, "Gypsies take the colors of the
当然,Anatoli Iakovencho 最得其中深味。正如他自己所言,“吉普赛人在吸收着新环境的色彩。”
new surroundings." In Souvenirs , their second CD, this is what we find. On the one hand, unable to deny
在他们的第二张CD 《Souvenirs 纪念品》,我们可以体会得到。另一方面,无法证实他的乌克兰血统
his Ukrainian roots, his music keeps an East European flavor, but as the same time, you can feel the
Canadian influence, especially with a folk-type acoustic guitar playing similar to the one found among
Quebecois singers. Moreover, he wrote a song titled "Montréal-Québec" to celebrate his new home and
he also rearranged a well-known French Canadian song. The word "djelem" means let's go, meaning
what it is to be a Gypsy, open to new experiences. The group includes as well Moldavian violinist Sergeï
指的是吉普赛人愿意去面对新的经历。这个乐队有摩尔多瓦小提琴手Sergeï Trofanov,身兼低音提琴手和
Trofanov, Claude Simard on double bass and keyboards, and Sonya Sanscartier on vocals. Romantic,
键盘手的Claude Simard,和主管合音的Sonya Sanscartier 。
Romantic,nostalgic,serene, from the heart, open to the world! Gypsy music with a new flavor! ~ Bruno Deschênes ,
All Music Guide(这句话是Bruno Deschênes对于Djelem的评论)