Bleeker Ridge | zh

Roy David Eldridge (January 30, 1911 – February 26, 1989) was a jazz trumpet player in the Swing era. His sophisticated use of harmony, including the use of tritone substitutions, resulted in him sometimes being seen as the link between Louis Armstrong-era swing music and Dizzy Gillespie-era bebop. Roy's rhythmic power to swing a band was a dynamic trademark of the Swing Era. Eldridge was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His nickname was Little Jazz. Eldridge played in the bands of Fletcher Henderson, Gene Krupa and Artie Shaw before making records under his own name. He also played in Benny Goodman's...
Alter Bridge是一支曲风结合了70年代经典摇滚与当代硬摇滚风格的硬摇滚乐队.乐队由Creed的前成员Brian Marshall (贝斯手), Scott Phillips(鼓手)和Mark Tremonti (吉它手)在主唱Scott Stapp离开(根据下文应当意指离队,但字面上的解释实在令人费解...)以后,由Myles Kennedy(主唱,吉它,The Mayfiel Four前成员)加入担当主唱而组成.2004年Alter Bridge发行了他们的首张专辑One Day Remains,同时推出首支单曲Open Your Eyes.他们的下一张专辑定于2007年,官方名为BlackBird,首张官方单曲为Rise Today.专辑将于2007年10月发行. 主音吉它手Mark Tremonti谈到首张专辑时说,他终于得以展现他的才华,而许多歌曲中确实包含了单独演奏或复杂的音符密集段落. 与Creed 相比,乐队融入了更多的摇滚风格.许多歌曲以吉它引入开场,Creed乐队的前成员们演绎出与前Creed相似的曲风.但主唱Myles Kennedy无疑使乐队作出了改变.与Scott Stapp的中音不同,Kennedy是一个高音主唱,更多地给人一种接近尖利的音域边缘的感觉. Alter Bridge并不认为自己只是换了一个新主唱的Creed,而更愿意看作是一支全新的乐队,拥有迥然不同的路线.队名Alter Bridgee来自于Mark童年时代一座桥的名字.这座桥位于充满争议的Alter Road路,在Korte的交叉口,成为了Michigan州Detroit市与Grosse Pointe Park市的边界--当他还是一个孩子的时候,这是一条严格禁止穿越的界限.这条生硬的界线也成为了谜一样的标记. .
Bridge To Grace hailing from Atlanta, GA has the local music scene buzzing! Lead singer David Garcia, considered "one of the best new voices in rock music," provides the perfect powerhouse vocals alongside the blistering guitar riffs of Alex Cabrera. The end result is a perfect chemistry of dynamic musicianship, strong melodies, and powerful arrangements. From hard rocking, high energy songs that get the crowd on their feet to beautiful, soft piano ballads that touch the heart and soul. Cabrera is a master at diversity in his songwriting styles. Bridge To Grace hasalready made a name for themselves by sharing...
独立电子+实验乐,可能有人光听这其中一种类型的音乐就觉得头晕脑涨了,包括我在内原来一直对实验性质的电子乐有或多或少的抵触。试试电冰箱的这张新碟(原定07.06.19出版),其中的十首歌个个精彩,绝无冷场。开篇曲The Sun让我想起前些年因车祸丧生的Drummer Cozy Powell的Dance With The Devil,当然,听者的有心往往都是错觉。 哈哈哈 .
2007-2010 Formed in 2007, The Bridgeheads (originally The Bridge) were a London-based alternative band (although the band prefered their music to be characterised as expressionism). Originating from Slovakia, the line-up consisted of Tomas dAsK (vocals, guitar, piano, songwriting), Joseph Lemee (guitar, piano) and Michal Wisp (drums). In the same year The Bridgeheads released EP ‘Things’ and have built a devoted following with their personal live performances. Tomas dAsK died after an accident on September 27, 2010. The band has spent approximately 3 years making their debut album called ‘Foreigners’, and the amount of work and unique talent can be heard...
找到了 187 歌曲, 持续时间: 16:43:35
Somewhat Bleeker Street
Country Boy and Bleeker Street (Live)
The Pimp (Bleeker Street)
This Is All
Psychic Outlaw
They've Gone Home
Leave On The Light
So High (Jeff Myler, Nine Six, Bleeker)
From Now On
Not the Only One
Sixteen Hours
Sick of You
Still Standing
How I Might I Live?
Pick Me Up
Broadway & Bleeker
What It Is
On Bleeker Street
Broadway & Bleeker
Bleeker Street
From Now On
easier today
In Our Hands
Bitter Soul
Small Town Dead