The Astroglides | zh

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The Astroglides is an Israeli Surf Core band. 2/3 of our material is surf instrumentals, influenced by hardcore punk. The remaining material is vocal numbers, not Beach Boys type of songs, but Hardcore Punk/Metal . We are drawn to the darker side of surf and shy away from writing (and playing) wipeout style surf clichés. Our music represents our interpretation of surf through the eyes of people pissed off with having to put up with the political and social problems in Israel, and fed up with the high taxes, low wages, and lack of a decent local music scene. The lyrics to the songs are less serious, mostly tongue in cheek stories about sleazy situations and people. (some of them are based upon actual characters).

Band Members :

Ran Mosessco: Guitars and Growling Voc
Lee-Or Tsviling: Theremin and Throat
Idan: Drums
Dale Smithey: Bass
Yonatan: Guitars
Eliav Betzalel (Batz): Vocals and Guitar
Yuval Ararat: Guitars
Fede Rosenstein: Drums .


