Shout | zh

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There are at least 7 bands of this name, two American, one Canadian, one Polish, one Brittish, one Finnish and one Italian.

One of the American Shouts is a Christian heavy metal band whose albums It Won't Be Long and In Your Face set the pace for the the Christian metal scene in the late 1980s and early 1990s. (For MP3 downloads of both albums, visit Ken Tamplin's MP3 download page.) As hair metal died away the band broke up, but lead singer and guitarist Ken Tamplin continued recording with Magdallan/Magdalen and and solo projects. Shout reformed in the new millennium and produced a new album Shout Back.

The Canadian Shout! is a one-man musical project by Vancouver, British Columbia resident David A. Mattatall. He is actively recording and releases all his works through Davidsmind Inc.

The Brittish band is an off-shoot of Gentle Giant.

The Italian band (myspace, blog )is a rock'n'roll band from Lazio region, with italian lyrics. Their debut album is called Manuale Per Non Suicidarsi (2009).


