Pieces Of A Dream | zh

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by Scott Yanow
Comprised of bassist Cedric Napoleon, drummer Curtis Harmon, and keyboardist James Lloyd, Pieces of a Dream were founded in 1975 in Philadelphia when the principal members were all teenagers. Originally somewhat jazz-oriented, Pieces of a Dream have mostly emphasized R&B, although they usually include a few jazz numbers in their performances. Grover Washington, Jr. produced their first three albums (all for Elektra during 1981-1983); they have since recorded for Manhattan and Blue Note. Saxophonist Ron Kerber became a member in the 1990s, preceding the four varied releases that appeared throughout the decade. A collection appeared at the turn of the century, but the band proved to still be going strong with 2001's Acquainted with the Night and 2002's Love's Silhouette. No Assembly Required was released in 2004 on Cleveland's Heads Up label, followed by 2006's Pillow Talk, also on Heads Up.

Pieces Of A Dream所走的是美国主流器乐演奏路线,当然也是非常主流化的Smooth Jazz。在他们的音乐中很完整的保留了上个世纪七八十年代美国主流黑人音乐的遗风,在当今鱼龙混杂追新求异的音乐市场中能做到这点实属不易。而在他们投靠主流融合爵士厂牌Heads Up之后,他们的道路就更加坚定了。

Pieces of a Dream(梦影)现代放克爵士乐团,1975年在费城成立,以键盘手 James Lloyd、贝斯手 Cedric Napoleon 和鼓手 Curtis Harmon 为核心,从 80 年代初期持续为都会人士灌注舒缓人心的乐曲。他们的音乐从爵士精神出发,强调黑人音乐里“节奏蓝调”(R&B)元素,将所谓 Smooth Jazz 作了最完美的发挥。1981 年,三个少年人在爵士乐大师葛洛伯·华盛顿(Grover Washington Jr.)的支持下,录制了第一张专辑,奠定了梦影现代爵士乐团的成立基础。柔情似水的演出与略带 Funk 的曲风,让他们在乐界赢得不错的口碑,证明了当时 Grover Washington Jr. 并未看走眼。对现代融合爵士乐来说,鲜明的节奏与多变的音色效果,是它与传统爵士乐最大的不同处。但是,如何在电子乐器加入之后,不失去原有的音乐精神,反而更添韵味,在 Pieces of a Dream 的音乐中,你会找到满意的答案。 Love’s Silhouette是梦影现代爵士乐团在 2002 年推出的专辑,虽然乐团成员作了部分更迭,仍然证明了近三十年的岁月,他们仍然稳健且持续的提供音乐活泉。


