Paul Hardcastle | zh

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Paul Hardcastle is a producer and keyboardist from London. He recorded solo in the mid-80s with his 19, a record featuring news reports and other sources on Vietnam, becoming a major hit in Britain. Later, he produced and did remixes for artists such as Ian Dury and Phil Lynott. He sells well in the specialty dance market and occasionally releases records as part of the duo Kiss the Sky (with Jaki Graham), as well as names like the Def Boys, Beeps International, and Jazzmasters. Among his releases: 1985s Zero One, 1994s Jazzmasters II, and 1996s Hardcastle 2. 1997s two-disc Cover to Cover assembled his greatest hits, along with a bonus record of newly recorded cover versions. 1999 saw the third installment in the Jazzmasters series, and in 2005, a collection of his greatest moments over the past two decades was issued along with a new album, Hardcastle 4.

Paul Hardcastle出生于英国伦敦,是一位音乐制作人兼键盘手,是近15年来现代爵士界最成功和创作最丰富的作家之一,他的Jazzmasters系列混合了爵士和舞曲并取得了巨大的成功,专辑Hardcastle 4 中,依然展现了他新键盘声音的迷人风格.

从1993年开始录制唱片,他将电子、舞曲、R&B等多种音乐元素完美的融合在Smooth Jazz其中,在全球各地引起了强烈反响,拥有了成千上万的爵士乐迷,创造了Smooth Jazz的传奇,是近15年来现代爵士界最成功和创作最丰富的作曲家之一。

Paul Hardcastle在Smooth Jazz领域有两个非常知名的Project,一个是他和一些器乐演奏家一起录制的《The Jazzmasters》系列,而另外一个是他个人的《Hardcastle》系列,两个系列都是乐迷珍藏的经典。旋律轻柔流畅,节奏舒缓时尚,器乐创新搭配,魅力女声Helen Rogers的轻吟浅唱,这些都是Paul Hardcastle的成功法宝,使他的Smooth Jazz如同和煦清爽的凉风与清凉透心的泉水沁人心脾,令人舒适之极。

PS: Smooth Jazz发展到现在已经二十多年了,如果追溯起源,从各种各样的档案资料里都可以找到,Smooth Jazz是Fusion(融合爵士)的一种衍生物,在其音乐当中,音乐家们不再把他们的精力投入到即兴创作及演奏当中去,而是更加注重音乐的旋律化,以及和R&B等其它音乐之间的融合能力。

Smooth Jazz是一种非常时尚的音乐类型,当然要领导这个潮流就需要不断的变化,在前两年Chill-Out音乐以及Lounge音乐风靡的时候,很多 Smooth Jazz音乐家以及业内人事都嗅到了其在现代爵士音乐领域的巨大商业潜力,很快以Acid-Jazz这种非常电子化的爵士音乐为基础,加入大量的 Ambient元素的音乐开始大行其道。这方面的典范当属英国音乐家Paul Hardcastle。


