Macabre Omen | zh

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Macabre Omen is a Hellenic atmospheric black metal band formed in 1994 in the vein of classic Greek black metal bands (such as Varathron and early Rotting Christ) and the legacy of Bathory. Epic, grandiose soundscapes and ancient Greek lyrical thematics make Macabre Omen an equivalent of the fellow Hellenic act Nocternity.

Macabre Omen began with a series of demos, followed by split releases. The most significant of these splits included the 'None Shall Escape the Wrath' (2000) with Judas Iscariot and others. Finally, 11 years after the first demo, ‘The Ancient Returns’ debut album was released in 2005, which was recorded in Italy and featured Gionata Potenti (Acherontas, Blut Aus Nord) on drum duties. Following this, two tribute releases to Bathory's 'Twilight of the Gods' were released in 2006 and 2007; 'Two Years Standing Proud in Valhalla...' and 'Three Years Standing Proud in Valhalla...', respectively.

In 2014 Macabre Omen entered the studio to record the second album - this time with Greg Chandler (Esoteric) handling production duties and with Tom Vallely (Lychgate) performing drums. The album, released through Van Records in 2015, clearly demonstrates the project at its strongest, most epic and most diverse.

Fans of Macabre Omen will be interested to hear the founding member’s other project, The One; in particular the 2008 release ‘I, Master’. Nevertheless, The One is entirely different - evoking a very negative, self-destructive atmosphere, much more aggressive in style, and almost irrelevant to Macabre Omen. .


