Jagged Vision | zh

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Rising from the west coast of Norway comes Jagged Vision. Embracing the rawness of 90s hardcore and combining it with the heavy riffing of stoner rock, Jagged Vision has set out to destroy. Since their start in 2010, there has been no genre limitations, no rules, and no boundaries. Jagged Vision is a product of raw heavy emotion which is what they try to communicate through their songs and live performances. Their debut album Harvest Earth was recorded at The Jam Room Recording Studio in Columbia, S.C. and was produced by Kylesa’s Phillip Cope. Harvest Earth is Retro Futurist’s second release, slated to come out in February, 2014.
Sharing stage with bands like Kvelertak, Purified in Blood, Orange Goblin and many more, Jagged Vision was named “a band to watch” by Metal hammer Norway, and “band of the week on one of Norway’s bigger radio stations, NRK P3. .

