Esa Ruoho | zh

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Lackluster's ambient drone project under his own name, Esa Ruoho, started in, or around, 1999 with the first compositions made with a software for the PC Audiomulch. These songs (Reset, Space) led to further exploration in the ambient / drone universe.

Far and away from the melodic and beat-laced Lackluster, Esa explored found sounds, synthesis based drones and obscure methods to produce the debut album 'Spaces', out on the Belgian U-Cover Records imprint in 2001.

'Spaces' was originally supposed to be released under Lackluster, but Clair of deFocus convinced Esa to release it under his own name, taking a leaf from Jochem Paap's ambient releases not under his Speedy J name.

'Spaces' was later followed up by 'Places Ep' on Binkcrsh Records, then in 2012 by On the Hangar of Spaceship Earth, released via the Bulgarian Mahorka label. In the interim, Esa also contributed two releases for Attenuation Circuit ('Riversmouth' and 'Parched Throat'), and has released a total of 8 tracks for Various Artists compilations released by such labels as Unexplained Sounds Group, JellyFish Frequency Recordings and Attenuation Circuit.

The first ever full-on Esa Ruoho gig was performed in Oulu in February 2004, supporting Petri Kuljuntausta and Biosphere. Since then, Esa has played a total of seven gigs, mostly in Finland.

The first Esa Ruoho special for Avaruusromua was aired on the 6th of March 2016. .


