Epiphany From The Abyss | zh

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From Quebec city, Epiphany from the Abyss plays technical blackened deathcore, since early 2010. They started doing shows soon after they were formed and are now preparing for a full lenght. After recording their first demo in spring 2010, the lineup changed a bit, with lead singer and bassist beeing replaced. A year later, the five members from Epiphany from the Abyss started releasing pre-production tracks they had done themselves, so that people can listen to their new stuff before the album. The eleven tracks that will be on this cd have been fully written and learned by the five members of the band, and they have entered studio on june 6th, 2011, to record this cd, which will be called ''Generation of the Hopeless''. Follow the ''Studio Updates'' to see what's going on in studio. .


