Emperors New Clothes | zh

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In 1987, a small record label was founded by Ed Piller and Radio London on air personality Gilles Peterson. The duo set out to combine the progressive elements of Jazz with the attitude of Hip Hop. Thus, the Acid Jazz label was born. Signing young, creative talents such as Chris Bangs (The Quiet Boys,) The Brand New Heavies, and A Man Called Adam, the label soon developed such a reputation, that most any music resembling the label's signature sound was referred to as Acid Jazz.

The Acid Jazz artists combined Jazz with dance beats, vocals, poetry, Hip Hop, rock, electronics, and pretty much anything else that would fit into the mix. One such band signed to the label was Emperors New Clothes. The brain child of one Andy Knight, Emperors New Clothes were a seven man groove excursion that gave us two studio releases and one live CD. Then, suddenly, they were gone, leaving behind only 3 CD's as a legacy.


