David Gilmour | zh

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戴维 吉尔摩(David Gilmour),作为平克·佛洛伊德(Pink Floyd)乐队的主音吉他手而广为人知,他1944年3月6日生于英国剑桥。当平克佛洛伊德请戴维 吉尔摩(David Gilmour)作为日渐怪异的Syd Barrett的替补吉他手的时候,他已经跟乐队的成员很熟悉了。
1968年,Barrett的精神彻底出问题已经不可能继续乐队工作的时候,Gilmour适时地成为乐队固定成员参与制作了第二张专辑A Saucerful of Secrets。
1978年,平克·弗洛伊德乐队处于闲置状态,Gilmour录制了自己的独奏专辑moody David Gilmour.
1984年,与Roger Waters(制作人)分手后,Gilmour给FACE组合写旋律。
2006年,回归后,一曲On an Island ,进入了前10。
Gilmour也经常参加其他艺术家的音乐录制,特别是 Kate Bush 和 Bryan Ferry。

David Gilmour is best known for his distinctively spacy, atmospheric guitar work for Pink Floyd. Born March 6, 1944, in Cambridge, England, Gilmour was well acquainted with the members of Pink Floyd when they asked him to join their band to supplement the guitar work of the increasingly erratic Syd Barrett. When Barrett's mental breakdown made it impossible for him to continue with the group, Gilmour became a permanent contributing member in time for their second album, 1968's A Saucerful of Secrets. Gilmour has recorded solo albums during periods of Pink Floyd inactivity, including 1978's moody David Gilmour, 1984's more melodic About Face (after the breakup of the Roger Waters-led lineup), and 2006's laid-back, lyrical On an Island (which became a Top Ten hit). Gilmour has also lent his guitar to a number of other artists' records, notably Kate Bush and Bryan Ferry .


