Christoffer Lundquist | zh

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Christoffer Lundquist is mostly known for his work with the swedish band "Brainpool" (Jens Jansson drums, David Birde guitar/vocals, Christoffer Lundquist bass/keyboards/vocals) and for his work as a producer/musician/engineer (Ulf Lundell, Per Gessle, Roxette, Bo kasper Sundström, Ed Harcourt, Moneybrother). Brainpool has released five albums, the last one being the incredibly ambitious yet easily accessible rock opera "Junk" in 2004.

Lundquist made his first solo EP release on the download label in 2006 and the songs are the result of a collaboration with lyricist Rikard Svartvik. This release is a musical departure for Lundquist who with this project has shied away from his usual lavish, ambitious production style in favour for a simpler, more intimate approach inspired by Svartvik's beautiful, melancholy but hopeful lyrics. A debut solo album is expected in late 2006. .


