C64 Orchestra | zh

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A coproduction by Micromusic Netherlands and productiehuis Oost-Nederland (ON).
Micromusic is a web community which roots lie deeply in retro-games music. Within the micromusic scene, game computers do not merely function as a game console, but as a musical instrument as well. Productiehuis ON is primarily working on new music and crossovers within the world of popculture. Their motto is "ONusual stuff for normal people".
Recent fascination in the Commodore 64 (not just as a retro game computer) has fuelled compelling interest for the C64 as an instrument in the dance-scene (think of the Dutch hit from the artist Bastian: You've got my love in 2001).
For this new production, Micromusic and productiehuis ON combined forces and invited members of the Dutch Ricciotti ensemble. Together with conductor Bas Wiegers they founded the C64 orchestra. This new orchestra focuses their attention on the groundbreaking 80s computer, the Commodore 64. Micromusic and ON also approached two of the most experienced C64-composers of the 1980's, Rob Hubbard and Jeroen Tel. The C64 orchestra will perform their music, with scoring done by Rob Hubbard himself. The game scores that are to be performed include the following Rob Hubbard compositions: Delta, Commando, Monty on the Run, One Man And His Droid and International Karate.
Also Jeroen Tel's Cybernoid II, Hawkeye, Myth and Supremacy will be performed.

www.myspace.com/c64orchestra .


