Apeiron | zh

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There are at least two artists using the name Apeiron which are recorded by Last fm. The Anglo/Greek Apeiron which releases music on D.O.R. and the Spanish Apeiron which releases music on Foehn.

Apeiron - Spanish - Foehn - Todo sigue intacto
APEIRON are from Ourense and comprised of Álvaro Lorenzo Pérez (guitar and programming), Emilio J. González Pérez (piano, bass, percussions – with brass and cardboard boxes – and programming) and Belén Rodríguez Martínez (vocals, melodica and programming).

Apeiron - Anglo/Greek - D.O.R. - Sentimental Sickness
APEIRON is a project that exemplifies the D.O.R. (label) ethos. Begun in 2002 after several years of discussion as to what it actually was going to be, which is in short, a journey into the philosophy of music composition which blurs the edge of free performing and monophonic sounds using the analogue Arp 2600 and tone / waveform generators as construction tools.
Apeiron is Ashley Davies (Project Dark, Chemical Plant, iD), Jimi Papatzanataes (S.40 Sound Projects, Temple Of Sound) and Apostoles Tsopelas (S.40 Sound Projects).



