AV Okubo | zh

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Hailing from industrial Wuhan, AV Okubo draws on the sweltering summer nights and the grinding factory noise of their home city to put on one of the best live shows in China. Their performances are electrifying and burst with a sophisticated take on the throwaway culture underlying the best pulp fiction and B-movies of the 1940s and 1950s. Playing with kitschy re-minders of China in the 1980s, just as the country was reawakening from the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution and beginning to embrace Hong Kong crime movies, sexy cigarette advertisements, and the fading remnants of Socialist singalongs, they focus on the cultural detritus of their childhoods through a cynical but remarkably joyful lens, and both celebrate and condemn the experiences of growing up in newly industrializing China.

All of the band members in AVO were born in the 1980s to factory workers, and three of them work in local factories, and this clearly comes through in their music – they’ve reinterpreted their memories of pop songs and old Hong Kong movies into a beat-driven rock and roll that roll insatiable forward on cheap gas and kerosene like a rusty machine. Your brain keeps dancing for hours even after the music stops. The challenge of capturing their live energy on a CD is one that has kept Maybe Mars awake for many nights. We’re confident, however, that the solution lies in the hands of Martin Atkins, the (highly acclaimed) drummer of PiL and Ministry, and producer of NIN and Pigface. To be released in November, this is one of the most eagerly awaited releases in China’s underground scene.





  陆炎和任杰的缘分便始于“破浪”,当陆炎发现这个乐队的主唱竟然是自己的邻居时,便前往拜访。任杰拿出一张DVD放给他看,片名便叫“破浪” (Break Wave),是一部沉闷的文艺片。之后Break Wave便成了“AV大久保”对自己音乐风格的定义,这让很多风格划分爱好者们头痛不已——任何看过他们演出的人都不能给出准确的风格定义,这种融合了新浪潮、实验噪音、舞曲朋克,甚至还带有明显“达明一派”遗风的音乐,像极了一部色彩鲜明的B级电影——不拘泥于形式却又形式感十足,恐怕只能叫做 Break Wave。

  有同名歌曲为证,整首歌只有一个字作为歌词:破。为达到“破”的视觉效果,陆炎在演到这首歌时双手交叉向前,嘴里连发爆破音,看得台下“牛逼” 声连连。女观众们关注更多的是贝司手左翼——“武汉第一帅哥”早已名声远扬——但据陆炎爆料,曾经有女歌迷在左翼加入“AV大久保”后伤心地说道:“左翼,你竟然成了实力派”。



  话题回到“AV”上来,“大久保”用一首名为《AV终结者》的歌阐述了这两个字母的另一个意思:Anti Virus(反病毒)。“AV终结者”是网上流传的一种反杀毒软件,可以破坏杀毒软件,使系统处于“裸奔”状态。“对于我们所处的娱乐时代,‘AV大久保 ’并不会保持那种朋克式的批判,我们更欣赏的是黑客态度”,陆炎说:“也就是并不反对整个系统,但会质疑其中的漏洞。然后用实力说话,以求改善它。”

  文/Billy 摄影/高鹏 .


