Romantic Warriors | uk ro·man·tic \rō-ˈman-tik, rə-\ 1. having no basis in fact 2. impractical in conception or plan 3. the imaginative or emotional appeal Romantic is a word that can be defined by a multitude of dualities and contradictions. To be appealing to the emotional, having no basis in fact, to be impractical, or illogical. It is a word that, on one hand, can be embraced as beauty and ideal, and on another hand, reject what it is to perceive beauty in the first place. It serves as an existential confrontation of the objectively subjective and subjectively objective. The...
The Jazz Warriors were an all-black London-based group of jazz musicians that made their debut in 1986. The idea for the band came from the Abibi Jazz Arts - a London organization that promoted black music and black culture - in 1985. The Jazz Warriors provided black British musicians with a venue to showcase their talents, which until that time was limited mostly to funk music and reggae.| According to musician/writer John Chilton, "...[the Jazz Warriors] proved to be the launching pad for the stellar talents of a number of important jazz musicians."The original b1and only released one album -...