Xploder | uk

Существует, как минимум, четыре коллектива с таким названием: 1.Exploder (a.k.a. The Fallen) - Heavy Metal - United Kingdom 2.Exploder - Heavy Metal - Germany 3.Exploder - Heavy Metal - Netherlands 4.Exploder - Sludge/Doom Metal - United States 1.Exploder (a.k.a. The Fallen) - Heavy Metal - United Kingdom - интересен уже своим составом участников: 1.Drunk - Bass (See also: Fukpig, Anaal Nathrakh (live), ex-Mistress, ex-Eatinghumanshit, ex-Hordes, ex-Life Denied 2.Ad Rogg - Drums 3.Migg Guitars (See also: Anaal Nathrakh, Professor Fate, ex-Dethroned, ex-Frost, ex-Mistress, Deliverance, Monkeys Are Machine Guns, Sorrows, Suffer Well, Weapons of Mass Destruction, ex-Fukpig, ex-Bleeding Through (live) 4.Misery Guitars...