Гио Пика, Пиковый Бэнд | tr

In autumn of 1994 Андрей Машнин (Andrey Mashnin) and Андрей Орлов (Andrey Orlov) founded Машнинбэнд (Mashninband). Discography: 1994 - Тихо в лесу 1996 - Жэлезо 1998 - Бомба .
Legion is a soviet and russian Heavy metal band, a pioneer of hard rock music on soviet scene. The band was formed by vocalist and composer Alexey Bulgakov in 1981 and featured Alexey Tsvetkov (guitar), Alexey Chernyshov (guitar), Oleg Tsareov (bass) and Sergey Komarov (drums). The band self-released two tape albums: "Bitva" (Battle) and "Apocalypse", and toured over USSR. Legion, being a semi-underground act, survived through governmental campaigns against independent artists, but suffered financial problems in Perestroyka era. Original lineup dibanded in 1990. Three years later, Bulgakov restored Legion with a completely new lineup. Now there were Yuri Kriukov (guitar),...
Bulundu 16 şarkılar, süresi: 01:01:38
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Последний патрон
Дождь на города (2019)
Дождь На Города
У Курского вокзала (2019)
Последний патрон [GIO PIKA]
Шпана из Ленинграда (2019)
Шпана из Ленинграда
Король Одессы (2019)
Последний патрон
Провинция Эльзас - 2018 (В 320)