Откровения Дождя | tr

Yazyk Dozhdya (in russian this name has two meanings: the tongue of the rain and the language of the rain) are a Russian progressive-post-rock band formed in 1994. They compose instrumental guitar-based pieces in the post-rock tradition. Their style has been influenced by such bands as The Cure, Joy Division, Tool, Pearl Jam, Mogwai, and Dave Matthews Band. It has easily identifiable connections to genres like shoegaze, progressive rock, art rock, and occasionally post rock. In summer 2009 "Rain Tongue" album was released on R.A.I.G. (www.raig.ru) Band Members are : Constantin Isaev (guitar, accordion) Aleksei Ivanov (vocals, guitar) Dmitry Bulavintsev...
Откровения Дождя (Otkroveniya Dozhdya, English translation: Revelations of Rain) is a melodic death doom metal act from Podolsk, Russian Federation that was formed in 2001 by two ex-members of Океан Печали (Ocean of Sorrow). The band delivers a primarily slow, but very melodic style of Russian doom metal. As with other acts from the area, the band integrates a bit of Russian folk into their melodies. Their debut album "Мраморные тона отчаяния" (Mramornye tona otchayaniya, Marble Shades of Despair) was released in 2007 on Solitude Productions. Line-up: Ilya Remizov - guitar (Ocean of Sorrow) Olesya Muromskaya - keyboards Alexey Nasonov...